shaitan Posted July 26, 2014 Posted July 26, 2014 Note: not all commands will work for you, depending on your mod level/vip. Emotes: Spoiler Provides emote pop-ups when you say stuff. Currently the following messages trigger emotes: Happy/laugh emote: one of : ; = + (optional) one of , . ' ^ o - + one of ) D Eg ;^D Heart emote: <3 Kissy emote: one of : ; = + (optional) one of , . ' ^ o - + * Eg :-* Sleepy emote: 3 or more zs. Can be upper and/or lowercase Eg zZzzzZ Confused emote: 2 or more ?s Eg ????? Angry emote: one of D > ] + one of : ; = + (optional) one of , . ' ^ o - + one of ( < / Eg D:< Eg >:-( Cry emote: one of : = + one of , ' + one of ( / OR one of T ; + one of - _ + one of T ; Eg =,( Eg T_T RIP emote: one of R r + one of I i + one of P p Eg RIP Alternatively you can use a word to trigger an emote: Happy/laugh emote: :happy: or :smile: or :laugh: or Heart emote: :<3: or Kissy emote: :kiss: Sleepy emote: :zzz: or :sleepy: or Confused emote: :confuse: or :???: Angry emote: or :grumpy: or :anger: Cry emote: :cry: or :sad: Rock, paper, scissors emote: :rock-paper-scissors: or :rps: or :r-p-s: RIP emote: :rip: Housing: Spoiler /house set [1,2] - Sets a point (1 = top left corner, 2 = bottom right corner) /house add [name] - Creates a house with specified name (from points defined by /house set) /house redefine [name] - Redefines a house using points set up with /house set [1,2] /house list - Lists all current houses /house allow [username] [housename] - Adds [username] to house [housename] as an owner. Use carefully, a new owner can as well just /house disallow you /house disallow [username] [housename] - Deletes [username] from [housename]'s owners /house name - Allows to find out house's name by hitting a block. /house delete [name] - Deletes a house. /house clear - Cleares points set by /house set /house info - Gives you most information about a house (Name, is locked, chat enabled, owners, visitors, is from an old world) /house addvisitor [username] [housename] - Allows [username] to enter your locked house [housename]. /house delvisitor [username] [housename] - Deletes [username] from [housename]'s owners /house lock [name] - Locks a house, no trespassers will be allowed to enter. Do not do while somebody else is inside the house, you might put them into infinite teleport loop. /house reload - Reloads config and all houses. /house chat [name] - Enables house-chat. /all [message] - Allows to chat publically while being inside a house with house-chat enabled. /housewipe [true] - Removes all houses, use on a new world. /housereload - Alias for /house reload chests Spoiler /cbank <ID> - Creates a bank chest when opened. Bank chests are similar to piggy banks in that linked chests will contain the same contents and will be saved across worlds. /ccset - Cancels selecting a chest to protect/refill/etc. /cinfo - Shows info on a chest when opened. /clock <password> - Locks a chest using the password. Use "remove" as the password to remove it. /convchests - Converts Terraria chests into database-formatted chests. /cpset - Toggles the publicity of a chest. /crefill [<time>] - Toggles a chest's refill status, adds a refill delay if applicable. /crset - Toggles a chest's region share status. /cset - Protects a chest when opened. /cunlock - Unlocks a chest using the password. /cunset - Un-protects a chest when opened. /prunechests - Prunes all empty chests. /rconvchests - Converts database-formatted chests into Terraria chests. This will immediately fail if the number of chests is more than 1000. TPA/Teleport requests: Spoiler /tpa <player> - Sends a teleport request to that player. /tpaccept - Accepts a teleport request. /tpahere <player> - Sends a teleport-here request to that player. /tpautodeny - Toggles automatic teleport request denial. /tpdeny - Denies a teleport request. Commands, but admin commands are mixed in, so you wont be able to use all of them: Spoiler user tshock.superadmin.user Manages user accounts. login tshock.account.login Logs you into an account. password tshock.account.changepassword Changes your account's password. register tshock.account.register Registers you an account. ban tshock.admin.ban Manages player bans. broadcast, bc, say tshock.admin.broadcast Broadcasts a message to everyone on the server. displaylogs tshock.admin.viewlogs Toggles whether you receive server logs. group Manages groups. itemban tshock.admin.itemban Manages item bans. region tshock.admin.region Manages regions. kick tshock.admin.kick Removes a player from the server. mute, unmute tshock.admin.mute Prevents a player from talking. overridessc, ossc tshock.admin.savessi Overrides serverside characters for a player, temporarily. savessc tshock.admin.savessi Saves all serverside characters. tempgroup tshock.admin.tempgroup Temporarily sets another player's group. userinfo, ui tshock.admin.userinfo Shows information about a user. annoy tshock.annoy Annoys a player for an amount of time. confuse tshock.annoy Confuses a player for an amount of time. rocket tshock.annoy Rockets a player upwards. Requires SSC. firework tshock.annoy Spawns fireworks at a player. checkupdates tshock.cfg.maintenance Checks for TShock updates. off, exit tshock.cfg.maintenance Shuts down the server while saving. off-nosave, exit-nosave tshock.cfg.maintenance Shuts down the server without saving. reload tshock.cfg.maintenance Reloads the server configuration file. restart tshock.cfg.maintenance Restarts the server. serverpassword tshock.cfg.password Changes the server password. version tshock.cfg.maintenance Shows the TShock version. whitelist tshock.cfg.whitelist Manages the server whitelist. give, g tshock.item.spawn Gives another player an item. item, i tshock.item.spawn Gives yourself an item. butcher tshock.npc.butcher Kills hostile NPCs or NPCs of a certain type. invade tshock.npc.invade Starts an NPC invasion. maxspawns tshock.npc.maxspawns Sets the maximum number of NPCs. spawnboss, sb tshock.npc.spawnboss Spawns a number of bosses around you. spawnmob, sm tshock.npc.spawnmob Spawns a number of mobs around you. spawnrate tshock.npc.spawnrate Sets the spawn rate of NPCs. pumpkin tshock.npc.invade Starts a Pumpkin Moon invasion at the specified wave. home Sends you to your spawn point. spawn Sends you to the world's spawn point. tp Teleports you to another player or a coordinate. tpallow Toggles whether other people can teleport to you. tphere Teleports another player to you. antibuild tshock.admin.antibuild Toggles build protection. bloodmoon Sets a blood moon. grow Grows plants at your location. dropmeteor Drops a meteor somewhere in the world. eclipse Sets an eclipse. forcexmas Toggles christmas mode (present spawning, santa, etc). fullmoon Sets a full moon. hardmode Toggles the world's hardmode status. protectspawn Toggles spawn protection. rain Toggles the rain. save Saves the world file. setspawn Sets the world's spawn point to your location. settle Forces all liquids to update immediately. time Sets the world time. world Shows information about the current world. buff tshock.buff.self Gives yourself a buff for an amount of time. clear tshock.clear Clears item drops or projectiles. gbuff, buffplayer tshock.buff.others Gives another player a buff for an amount of time. godmode tshock.godmode Toggles godmode on a player. heal tshock.heal Heals a player in HP and MP. kill tshock.kill Kills another player. me tshock.thirdperson Sends an action message to everyone. party, p tshock.partychat Sends a message to everyone on your team. reply, r tshock.whisper Replies to a PM sent to you. rest Manages the REST API. slap tshock.slap Slaps a player, dealing damage. stats Shows the server information. warp tshock.warp Teleports you to a warp point or manages warps. whisper, w, tell tshock.whisper Sends a PM to a player. aliases Shows a command's aliases. help Lists commands or gives help on them. motd Shows the message of the day. playing, online, who Shows the currently connected players. rules Shows the server's rules. Clans: Spoiler - /clan create <name> - create a new clan with you as leader. - /clan invite <name> - will invite a player to your clan. - /clan acceptinvite - join a clan you were invited to. - /clan denyinvite - deny a pending clan invitation. - /clan join <name> - join an existing clan. - /clan list - lists all the existing clans. - /clan tp - teleport to the clan's spawnpoint. - /clan tpall - teleport all clan members to you. - /clan setspawn - change the clan's spawnpoint. - /clan inviteonly <true/false> - set Invite-only mode to true/false. - /clan leave - leave your clan (if leader every member will leave aswell). - /clan rank <player> <1-4> - will change the clanrank of a player. - /clan editrank <1-5> <new rank name> - will change the rank prefix. - /clan setcolor <0-255,0-255,0-255> - change the ClanChat color. - /clan listmembers - will list all the members of your current clan. - /clan who - will list all online clanmembers of your clan. - /clan ban <player> - will ban a player from your clan by Ip-Address. - /clan unban <player> - will unban a player from your clan (if he was banned). - /clan kick <player> - will kick a player out of your clan. - /clan rename <new name> - rename your clan to something else. - /clan findclan <player> - see what clan a player is in. Essentials Spoiler Please Note < > = Required, [ ] = Optional /more [all] - /more will fill the item the player is currently holding, /more all will fill all items in the player's inventory. /pos [player] or /getpos [player] - tells the player their position (x and Y Coordinates), or [player]'s position (if allowed). /tppos <X> [Y] - Teleports the player to the specified X and Y Coordinates. /ruler <1/2> - Tells the player the distance from the first position to the second position. /helpop <message> - Sends '<message>' to anyone online with the permission specified below. /suicide or /die - Kills the player with the message 'Player decied it wasn't worth living'. /burn <player> [seconds] - Gives the player <player> the on fire debuff for <seconds> seconds. /kickall [reason] Kicks everyone from the server with the specified reason, except for players who are immune to kickall. /moon <new | 1/4 | half | 3/4 | full> - sets the current moon phase, Please Note: This might take a while to update for everyone. /return or /b - Lets the player go back to their position before they teleported(after using /tp, /home, /spawn, /warp, /tppos, /myhome and more), or died (if allowed). /sitem <search term> or /si <search term> or /searchitem <search term> - Displays a list of all Items and their id's that contain the specified search term. /snpc <search term> or /sn <search term> or /searchnpc <search term> - Displays a list of all NPC's and their id's that contain the specified search term. /spage <page> or /sp <page> - Lets you see more results when using '/sitem' or '/snpc'. /sethome [name] Lets the user set a home that they can teleport back to at any time with the '/myhome' command (requires them to be logged in). /myhome [name] - Teleports the user to their home that they set with the '/sethome' command (requires them to be logged in). /delhome [name]' - deletes the players home. /teamunlock <Color> <Password> - Unlocks the <Color> team if <Password> is the same as the one set in the Config file. /essentials - Reloads the config file! /= - Executes the last command the player typed! /killr <player name> <reason> - Kills the specified player with the reason '<reason>'. The reason shows with their death message, after their name. /disable <player name> Disables / enables the specified player (This will not get removed even if the player re-logs). use /disable -list for a list of disabled players. Disabling the player will not allow them to move, and gives them some debuffs. /top - Teleports you to the top-most block! /up [amount] - Teleports you up one or more level! /down [amount] - Teleports you down one or more level! /left [amount] - Teleports you to the left through a wall! /right [amount] - Teleports you to the right through a wall! /ptime <day/night/noon/midnight/reset> [player] - Sets the players client time without changing the servers (everyone elses) time. /ping or /pong or /echo - returns 'pong!' as a means to test connection speed. /sudo <player> <command> - Forces the specified player to execute the specified command. /socialspy - Whenever a player whispers, anyone with socialspy enabled will see the message. /near - lists the nearby players in order and their distance. /nick [player] <name> - Gives the player a nickname which is only shown in chat, their real name is still used when executing commands etc.. /realname <nickname> - returns the realname of a user with a nickname. /exacttime or /etime <hours>:<minutes> where hours is in 24 hour time. /forcelogin <account name> [player] logs [player] or the executing player into account <account name> /invsee <playername/-restore> - Only accessible with server side character enabled. /invsee -restore Will temporarily replace your inventory with <playername>'s inventory until you use /invsee -restore List of Sign Command's non-sign commands: /destsign - Lets the player destroy a sign command, instead of using it. /screload - Reloads the config! Changename: Spoiler /userexists [username] - Checks if username is registered (and tells its group if allowed) /ue [username] - Alias for /userexists /banned [name] - Checks if name is banned (and tells the reason and the IP) Read "Usage" /selfname [newname] - Changes your name to [newname] /oldname [player] - Retrieves [player]'s old name /chat [message] - Sends a usual chat message Shop: Spoiler /trade add (item) (amount) [witem] [wamount] /trade add (item) (amount) ({0}) /trade accept (id) /trade list, to find lists of IDs to offer on /trade collect /trade check /trade search /trade cancel /offer add (id) (item) (stack) /offer accept (id) /offer list (id) /offer cancel (id) /shop buy (item) [amount] /shop search (item) Offline Messaging commands Spoiler Messages /msg <player> <message> - Sends a message /msg inbox <page> - Shows unread mail /msg list <page> - Shows all mail /msg read <id> - Reads a message, ID is provided by inbox or list /msg del <id/read/unread/all> - Deletes message(s) msg.use - Allows access to /msg
jks101 Posted July 26, 2014 Posted July 26, 2014 You have to register ingame -> "/register <password>" then: "/login <password>" after that pm the bot: "/msg RCterraria <ingame name> <password>" then on irc type !help and it should give you a list.
GioExtreme Posted July 26, 2014 Posted July 26, 2014 I do not have access to any of the command's, except login. Not even !help.
redesh Posted August 6, 2014 Posted August 6, 2014 what is redefine? is it just like...moving your house or will it copy paste?
shaitan Posted August 6, 2014 Author Posted August 6, 2014 You can expand it later on if you choose to(ofc if it's still under the max limits).
littlemaac Posted November 25, 2014 Posted November 25, 2014 Hey how do i use the /house allow command if the player has a space in their name?
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