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The Reason we have "Helper" rank


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To quote Rencorner's very own Co-Owner himself:

shaitan Posted October 27, 2016

I gave you Helper, to see how you'd act. It is not a toy, it is not for your guys' personal fun times.

Do you know what a "helper" mainly does? They help other players out with ingame issues, if there's someone ingame that gets out of line, they can /mute them if it is needed. Anything above and beyond that, Helpers go up to the next higher moderator or make a post. Which a few have done lately as helpers, and even some temp mods make posts.

Noone is made a moderator that demands it, you earn it.

(end quote)

Words to live by imo. Also if you are applying after a high ranking member of staff says no, you WILL be denied. Do not post your application more than once, make the first one count. (it's also just plain rude and makes it harder to scroll through the topics)

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