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Which Tiberium War is your favourite?

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Which one of the tiberium wars (TW, for short) is your favourite?

Not talkin' about the games' versions themselves (storyline, gameplay or stuff); we're speaking about technologies, building capacity, their versions and evolutions.

I always prefer the second TW. The ability of building a wall section around the base, pave its ground and keep it organized makes me a little more happy. I wish the third tiberum war had those same features.

I love the Titans and Wolverines as well - whoever also plays some matches at MPF knows I'm addicted to them. Also, the second TW in Nod technologies allow you to repair a vehicle with a repair vehicle. In the Third TW we have the Rig, but it is not still so moveable as the Nod Repair Vehicle was. However I prefer the First and Third TW Mamooth Tank versions. They are not sabotageable and are also kinda faster.

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