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RenCorner Network

Trusted+ Not Applicable


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Your first name

  • Your in game name, also include any other names you use:  jennaxX
  • Your age is?: 12 years Old :)
  • Where you are from?: U.S.A
  • How long you have been playing Minecraft?: 3 years
  • Was our server recommended by a friend? if so, who?: @ryanmansi101
  • How did you find Rencorner: By @ryanmansi101
  • Do you play any other Rencorner games (ie killing floor, terraria)?: yes terraria :)
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Sorry, Trusted+ is a rank that is considered after 90 days from when you got trusted.  It is awarded at the discretion of the admin.

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Go with Trusted then Joe. I think she only said that because ryan's tag showed it.

You're sounding like a bureaucrat. lmao

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6 hours ago, shaitan said:

Go with Trusted then Joe. I think she only said that because ryan's tag showed it.

You're sounding like a bureaucrat. lmao

Sorry, we put in trusted+ as an incentive to keep players.  Anyone can apply for trusted after 3 days playing or at my discretion.  There isn't an app for trusted+ and that was on purpose.  Admins (atm, me) get to decide who gets trusted+.  It is a special rank and awarded to someone that I get to know over a minimum of 90 days on the server.  If they cause trouble, they don't deserve it,  if they don't show up enough over 90 days then they can wait for the award.  We don't promote it.

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I did not set the site up.  As I said to her...90 days from April 17 (the day she got trusted) would be July 17.  Did you miss the line where I said 90 days (above)?

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When I was ingame with them, she had no tag on her nickname. It's why I said add her to trusted, thinking she had nothing.

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2 hours ago, shaitan said:

When I was ingame with them, she had no tag on her nickname. It's why I said add her to trusted, thinking she had nothing.

What server was it?  I checked all the servers and she is trusted on all of them, not sure what you are talking about.

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