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NinjaSalmon application for half mod position (accepted 7/28/17)


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1.) What is your real first name ?

-As 1337 speak my name is _|   /\   |Z   |    , third from left is R.

2.) What is your Primary minecraft in-game name? Do you have more than 1 name? If so, what are they?

3.) Your date of birth and age is?

-32 yrs
4.) How long have you been playing on a regular basis in our server?

-about one and a half year
5.) When did you submit your application for “Trusted?”

6.) Do you understand how to use IRC and Teamspeak (basic knowledge required), If you don't have these programs, download here: http://www.teamspeak.com

-Yes, although I prefer other IRC clients, but mostly I have used mIRC.

7.) Are you an experienced Mod or Admin? Please explain:

-No. Only basic skills like game monitoring for rule violations.
8.) Using about 15-20 words, tell us about yourself.

-I'm an eager old school gamer, thus minecraft has been one of my main interests as a "retro looks" game past two years.
9.) How long you have been playing minecraft?

-About two years
10.) Have you ever been kicked, banned, or lost your Trusted status? If yes, please explain.

-Never. I haven't done any that stupid, although I'm playful person.
11.) A Rencorner staff position requires a commitment of time and contribution. What time zone do you live in and when would you be available to be online (to do your job).

- I live in +2GMT and mainly I could fullfil my duties during the evenings.
12.) How would you contribute to making our server a place that players would want to come to and stay?

-By encouraging good manners (no griefing, no necessary claiming next to seemingly big building projects, no insulting) and monitoring gameplay to happen fairly
13.) Do you have anyone on the current staff team of position Mod or higher who has offered to sponsor you? While not a requirement, Having a sponsor can improve the application time and results.

-Unfortunately no, except Joetorp has encouraged me to apply as a token of trust.
14.) Do you know how to work with Linux command line or the programming language Java?

-I only know basics from Unix command line parameters and few Java inputs from the past (very basic knowledge).
15.) Do you have experience with plugins?

-There are so many plugins and thousands of functions, but I have basic knowledge depending on the program or how the plugin has been programmed itself.

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Thanks for you application ninja, I'll bring you app up to the mod forum for discussion and vote, it may take up to 10 days for results.

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Thank you! Wonderful! I'll be looking forward to fulfil your expectations in this honourable rank and do my best to keep RenCorner great place to play. :)

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