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E+Tank fire

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That way can heal your tank on exit as there is no reload for that, but will effect rail / pic and not the tank


I'll see if turning it off/reloading server disables it. You guys are moderating it now manually.

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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, WNxH3adSh00t said:

I want turret MLRS

Definitely  a no! The only plus for mrls is that i can curve missles  around corners. 

Edited by warlord83

That sucks though, it's cheating!


Well technically it was designed to have turret MRLS. I just don't know why Renegade fucked it up.


another accident that turned out well, westwood did a lot of those xd

Posted (edited)

Didnt we had a vote to have rotateable MRLS + standard MRLS in the past?

i thought everyone agreed to have both. So what now?


Make the rotateable MRLS cost 700 credits and see how it turns out.

Edited by rackz

Only on rxd maps,so we said. Donno, somehow I think it'll make gdi stronger while balance isn't an issue for the moment. 


weaponbuy is the only issue right now

10 hours ago, rackz said:

Didnt we had a vote to have rotateable MRLS + standard MRLS in the past?

i thought everyone agreed to have both. So what now?


Make the rotateable MRLS cost 700 credits and see how it turns out.

ok guys lets fuck off getting those regular mrls lets huehuehue buy those 700 mrls
mean while
nod has advantage/control/op/dominant artys controlling the game

wow how could those mrls let us down?!!! its like we dont really play on a regular basis and maybe we shouldnt have a say or an actual opinion here


simple fix.

dont allow ramjets/rails to be bought
id really like the admins/mods explain to me (definitely a regular who plays more than most admins/mods) how !weapon really isnt the problem in this specific instance

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thats pretty much the same thing i said 1000 times, remove hero weapons aka ramjets, rails and volts if you dont want to get rid of !weapon completly


The only advantage I'd see on turret MLRS is that it would be a better counter to the arties. You could move back and forward behind a hill(like those on Field) and still shoot straight.

They wouldn't die if someone shoots from behind either, always seemed stupid to me how arties can shoot eveythere but MLRS have to shoot around.



Just do it for a day or so and see if it changes the gameplay too much.


I only like the rotateable MRLS because it looks cool :Heheheh:

1 hour ago, rackz said:

thats pretty much the same thing i said 1000 times, remove hero weapons aka ramjets, rails and volts if you dont want to get rid of !weapon completly

im actually fine with volt being bought


1 hour ago, WNxH3adSh00t said:

The only advantage I'd see on turret MLRS is that it would be a better counter to the arties. You could move back and forward behind a hill(like those on Field) and still shoot straight.

They wouldn't die if someone shoots from behind either, always seemed stupid to me how arties can shoot eveythere but MLRS have to shoot around.



Just do it for a day or so and see if it changes the gameplay too much.

i do like volts being bought

but as to this there was a point in time artys couldnt rotate their barrels
i feel like if we wana try the rotating mrls then we try it but leave them at the same price not up it


I agree rotating mrls should cost the same


Make it 500 or 550 but not above, it would literally suck.

Nod can already pump out arties faster than a french bakery can make baguettes, it would make stuff even harder.


was etankfire discussed in the mod forums anyway?

dont change the mrls price please

Posted (edited)

i actually dont care about the price of roto-mrls. just get it ingame and see how it turns out onstead of having another discussion about it.


do it now :p

Edited by rackz

I vote for not allowing to people to hop out with rail, pic, ramjet, and sniper and just leaving everything else the same. If someone's doing it let a mod handle it.


While we're at it, bring back arty shake :v


hell no, 30 mins of arty shake and my heads pounding

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Night club simulator


Or we could remove weaponbuys.

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