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Application for VIP

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1) What is your real name?

My real name is Maxim

 2) What are you ingame character name(s)? Please pick a main one as well!

Main: Cqntact

Alts: Cqllide (I don't believe I have logged on with this one yet)

 3) How old are you?

I am 13 years of age

 4) What country and region are you from?

Florida, United states of America

 5) How long have you been playing Terraria?

I have been playing Terraria since September of 2015 or 2016

 6) How did you find our server?

Previously (when I had my old account), I found it through a friend. Then, after quitting and coming back to Terraria, I have decided to rejoin.

 7) How long have you been playing on our server?

I technically have been playing the server since this account was made, but with Cqntact I have been playing for about 1 week or so

 8) Why do you want VIP?
I want VIP because I feel as if it is time for me to broaden my horizons within the server, and stop being a default.
Previously on my old account (MaximDaBoss. Surprise surprise) I had the VIP role within the server (after being demoted due to "inactivity".)

You have been accepted as a VIP, so enjoy your new perks! Remember, after a month of active playtime (not 720 hours worth) you can ask a SeniorMod or Admin for VIP+, which will give you even more benefits. Thank you for applying and enjoy your time here at Rencorner!

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