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<3 To the Hurricane Victims


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Texas pulled my heart. Florida is doing the same (and all the areas in it's path). I'm here in Missouri safe and sound, so I feel for those that aren't and have been abruptly uprooted.  We can escape our world playing Ren. These victims can't. I can't imagine losing all my possessions and having a 5 x 5 space in a shelter that represents all that is left in my world.

If anyone knows someone in need of help or just a kind word let's get it going here and see what our resources can provide. 

Thoughts and prayers to all involved.  <3 <3 <3



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I was just watching the news, freshly awake, with no coffee. "Bunch of fucking retards" Regarding the reporters out in that shit for ratings(just showing ghost towns walking down streets pointing out the bent signs).

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Yep was watching the weather channel and a camera only with a voice from the studio would suffice. My wife said the first weatherperson that gets hit with flying debris sues first. At least wear a helmet if your going to be that stupid. 


Funny though as one was taping a car drove up behind him (downtown streets of Miami) and he stopped and said (probably thinking the mic was off)  "what is this idiot doing". Then the car stopped and started backing up realizing they were driving into deeper water....


Yes, thought and prayers go out to them in need..im more than likely to be safe here in North Carolina. everyone else in the states getting bad weather just dont be stoopid please :P

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use haarp and send those hurricans to ISIS


LOL! Saw that Live on TV the other day xD

But in all seriousness, thoughts and prayers go out to the people in Florida!

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