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RenCorner Network

Vip Application

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1) What is your real name?

Candy E Rehal

2) What are you ingame character name(s)? Please pick a main one as well!



3) How old are you?


4) What country and region are you from?


5) How long have you been playing Terraria?

Two years

6) How did you find our server?

From the best  terraria servers.com link

7) How long have you been playing on our server?

About 2 weeks..?

8) Why do you want VIP?

I would like to be vip to help people. When I first joined no one helped me, I want to be the person to help lost users!



You have been accepted as a VIP, so enjoy your new perks! I went ahead and put it on your CandyFrost14 character. Remember, after a month of active playtime (not 720 hours worth) you can ask a SeniorMod or Admin for VIP+, which will give you even more benefits. Thank you for applying and enjoy your time here at Rencorner!

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