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Can't join Renegade server

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Hi peolple, I'm trying to enter in the RenCorner AOW/Marathon server but it kicks me out. It's says "Conection to server was broken. Please quit.". I have installed Tiberian Technologies 4.5 and the Cncnet launcher. Am i doing something wrong?


try it now, the map is currently playing and you might get in.

if you can see this page with files and stuff, you should be able to get in to the server ok:

I see lastnight you were trying to get into RC Testing Marathon, don't try that one it's passworded for moderators to use atm. The one you want has the ips of: -or-

Also, don't try to join ours after coming from another server, it will version mismatch with files. Exit renegade first. The first download is going to take awhile if it's your firsttime, some sound files were redone so it's about 400mb in size.


Thanks for the help shaitan. I can see the page with the files and also can enter in the server. But I still have the same ussie with the server


I don't know anything about that cnclauncher(I think that's the one Iran made), try downloading this: http://renlist.n00b.hk/download/RenList-1.0.9.zip

Unzip it somewhere, run it, go to options > settings, and fill in the information. If you don't have the regular renegade with a serial, don't mind the WOL tab of it, use the GSA tab in settings(make sure you click the "enable gsa").

I seen you have 4.5 scripts, I'm just wondering if it's that launcher or your internet not liking the port like @display the other day. Read the private message I'm about to send you before trying the last part.

Last part: download a copy of the ttfs folder of mine I sent to someone else a few weeks ago:

That would go to your: C:\Users\YOURPC\AppData\Roaming\Renegade\Client\  rename your other ttfs folder, then unzip this one there. 1.1gb and may take you awhile. It may be you just aren't downloading all of our files right, idk.


Could this be the same problem display has? A port blocked? 


Yes, apparently I have a port blocked. I'm looking how to forward it.

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