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OmegaAOW Renegade Event

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The next weekend is going to be a tribute event for Zunnie. As such, most servers from MPF/Rencorner will be shut down, please join OmegaAOW instead.

As per Unknown from multiplayerforums :


There is going to be a weekend tribute of sorts event held on the "zunnies OmegaAOW" renegade server.

It is an old server mod that zunnie and his friends used to work on. Because of how old it is there may be some small bugs to live with, but @shaitan and I have done what we can to get it ready.

IRC: irc.cncirc.net -or- irc.rencorner.com channel: #OmegaAOW


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I'll be around tomorrow night after 5pm Eastern if any of you need help with your Renegade/IRC. All of the other servers we run will be shut down as well Friday night before I go to bed.

Show some support for zunnie; who literally made some of those TT scripts(and taught some of the other guys who made their TT scripts) that your Renegade game runs. If you ever downloaded a Ren ISO from somewhere: who do you think did that years ago?

Hop to it you guys:yahoo-sad:


I only got to play on Friday night, but it was fun. Arty splash and no infinite ammo really takes ya back to the good 'ol days.


I think the arty splash was a big exaggerated haha, it honestly made me feel a little ill, but it was fun nonetheless 


shame i forgot about tking, coulda trolled vult

  • 1 year later...

We'll be doing this again ladies and gents. Time flies and it doesn't feel like it's been a year. If things still work, we'll have that server running this Saturday. I'll test it out tomorrow after work.

If any of you know the particulars of the 2 Jelly guys(Spoonplex and Bear) we should start doing theirs too. We should plop that info in the calendar or something.

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