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Doubleshot Rule

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I am inquiring about the doubleshot rule. Both teams are able to use the doubleshooting tactic, yet for some reason it is not allowed. It's a viable strategy that has been unfortunately disallowed which only makes the games less competitive and skill based. I have heard from several members and staff of the community that they believe this rule isn't necessary, and I would like to start a conversation on the possibility of removing this rule. 

 Liz / Roscoeejp


While I could not have phrased it as eloquently as mademoiselle Liz, I too feel this rule is overly restrictive of in-game skill expression. The high repair levels of the strong repair gun often prevents players from capitalizing on their superior position, as medium tanks barely outdamage this. Also, allowing rep-shooting but disallowing med/pics or light/raves is stupid.


I think the main point why it was banned was because you could somewhat skip the reload time of some weapons, namely the Pimp Repair, but for a pic/rail it doesn't change much.

I've never been a fan of this rule since day one. It's actually not that hard to snipe people who light/rail when you know each vehicles exits point. It just like if we were asking the snipers to stand still because some of them are too skilled.


Allow me to make this more confusing.


 <&RCAOW> 23: No more of the jumping out of your vehicle and firing trick. This means pressing E at the same time as firing for a double shot(tank + character weapon). APC/Buggy/Humvee/Heli/SSM are allowed!

Yes, this rule sucks... I'm starting to hate this trick because of the drama of it being a rule. Free med or free light will make it reasonable to allow it. I see it more as a strategy tactic on both sides than a game breaking rule.


Well it seems most people are for the change. Hopefully this can get resolved soon. 


I like to doubleshot too but obvs can't because it is banned :(

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I like how its "not allowed" but 9/22 it was being done consistently for hrs with you and frens in game

good stuff and talk though


Because they weren't aware i guess?

Since its a dumb rule anyway; that shai created cause he was mad

How about its allowed when shais not ingame? 


I really do like this rule. Its quiet anoying especially in field for example, where you cant really do allot to it if its busy.


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