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Hack or feature?

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Posted (edited)

Hello, guys! You may have seen me in game from time to time but I rarely make a presence on the forums. I came here with a question.

I was watching this YT video from about a year ago when I saw something a bit odd. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPNFdwmNJTM
At 1:21 the Sakura in the video aims off-center to kill some infantry... I have never seen any sort of off-center aiming before but I know a lot of things in Renegade have been updated since my return to the game. My question is: Is this guy using an aimbot or is this some odd aiming feature I didn't know about? I couldn't emulate it in game so I feared it may be a hack. I wanted to bring attention to it just in case, even though this video is a year old. I love Renegade and I fully support this community so I'd like to try and contribute to keeping the game a good place to spend time. Sorry if I've only brought up old news!

Edited by Nozzy
Posted (edited)

its called freeaiming, just press v my dude

like disĀ 


Edited by ehh

Oh wow, has that always been a thing? O_O
I've never really bothered hitting v while in game. Heh. Welp, I feel informed now. Thanks! xD


yeah freeaim is a must, most people set it to right click on mouse, default key is V as ehh said.

kinda looks like snapping too when you let go of freeaim. while were on the V key, I highly recommend setting 'lock vehicle camera to turret' in the options else you gotta keep your finger on V while aiming with tanks which is a pain in the butt.


Shit, I've been aiming the hard way since 2004? What the heck... xD

Now I'm excited to rebind and try this in game.

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