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Paypal and website issue

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Just to let you guys know some douche decided to break into two of our admin accounts and I believe mine. They changed the paypal email to their own, and since we're all kinda afk these days on the forums, it wasn't caught right away.

Looking into different things we can do for security purposes on here. I'd suggest changing your passwords/ checking your email settings so Rencorner.co related emails don't go to your Spam/Junk folder. That's how I missed my own account being locked.

We are short $75 from what our donation tracker shows. I put in an email to paypal lastnight, but Joetorp was telling me it may take weeks if we do get it returned.

So, whatever little bit you all can help with will definitely save our asses this month.


(may be a dumb question but it never hurts to double check) Is the paypal email corrected?


Yes, it is. I have checked and I have just donated.

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The ones after Jasmine's donation($75 worth).


100$ I think... That sucks

Maybe add in the donation page "please make sure the donation is for <your mail>" ?


you can enable two factor auth to login to the admin panel on your accounts @shaitan


if he probably hacked you he gets infos about donators?


Two Factor auth is on, there's another I'm going to try when my pc is working again(extra pw layer essentially).

I don't believe so rackz, the only thing he possibly could have gotten is paypal emails. I would change your passwords to them just in case. Frankly, that didn't cross my mind until you said it, changing mine when I get off of work(and RC's main one).

Still no reply from paypal btw.


just make sure your Paypal is not connected to your bank account! then he cant take any cash from you!


pretty sure paypal requires all accounts connected to at least one bank account, unless I'm missing something


Welp there is some good news, been on the phone with paypal for the last hour. That Chris guy I spoke with is yanking the money back out of the thief's account, and sending it back to @Wyld1@aboheman@ExEric3and @Charre. You guys can resend it back in like an hour from now he said(possibly showing up then).

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After everyone's recent donations ending in mine just now, we need $120 and we'll be able to pay the bills(I think the fees will be covered in that).

Marathon PC and Backups(Ark/Terraria/backups) will be due in two days on the 29th(they pushed it back a few days for us).

Minecraft PC will be due the 31st.

Forum one will be due the 2nd if they stick with last month's automatic payment.

*Edit* That jackass came back today, using 180 IP's and was trying to lock out Volcom's account to start. He also ddosed our forum, according to Ovh lol. So, the forum is limited in what guests see/do now.


Let me know if you need another $20.

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