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Bills due again

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It's that time of the month again ladies and gentlemen. We need money for keeping the lights on.


140.29 is due the 27th, 152.69 is due the 28th. 66.67 is due the last day of the month(30th this time) and webserver seems to come around the 1st automatically




So, Joe just donated $75. We need another $300 and we should be good.

Just rented this server. The install time is 3 days, so it won't help us now; but it will start saving us $70/month in the future. It'll give us time to get things worked out, and come next month we'll drop the $152.69( PC we currently rent. Upside is 2-480GB SSD's/1-4TB HD(can partition possibly), with a separate 500GB storage drive..

If it works out for us; we can do the same for the current PC. If that deal is gone then I think we can get by with moving all the Renegade/KF stuff to NFO Servers and get an 8 core VPS(shit ram/HD space, but I think it'd be just enough). We'll see how the 64 PC stuff goes first.

  • Like 2

It's about time RC got an upgrade. I approve. :yahoo-dancing:

I'll add my donation too.



Do we have enough now?


If I hadn't of used that $84 it would've been enough, but Volcom said he'd cover what you guys couldn't. So, don't worry; I'll use his paypal for that. We have $300.98 in paypal right now.


If we get more during this month, that'd be great actually. Reason: if we do go with that NFO server, I was planning to get us the yearly one($673/year(as opposed it's to monthly rate possibly costing us $792)). First, I'm going to talk to those guys.


*edit* As of right now everything is paid up 4-24-2019/8pm

@Volcomcovered about $100 of it, you just don't see that part in the forum here the way it was done.

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I still say dont go yearly....


and also its cheaper and better to get a gameserver at nfo than a vds for eveything.

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3 hours ago, Cronus said:

I still say dont go yearly....


Why is that?  a commitment?


13 hours ago, Joetorp said:

Why is that?  a commitment?


Do we know that server? Cause it might be a risk paying for a whole year in advance and it turns out they provide poor service.

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I know, which is why I sent them a message about it.

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I'll be honest with you guys, I am not liking the OVH thing. It's been 5 days since I opened a support ticket, not one reply. We were supposed to have 6 OS's to choose from, in reality it was 2 and pay another $25 for one of the other 4, just so we could have a regular Remote Desktop. The file transfer speeds are a joke @ 1mb/s for each file, our other boxes are around 50mb/s from server-to-server. There's a cap somewhere relating to Windows 2012 Server R2(all the complaints about it, I've done all the tricks I could find) and I have not been able to figure it out.

I did talk with the NFO guys about the yearly thing, they said if we were to go with that it'd just take effect the next month. That's if things ran well.


  • Thanks 1


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