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RxD! Testers needed!

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RxD, or Renegade Xtreme Demo, is now back up and running.

Blacky has taken it upon himself to being back RxD and we have decided to host it.

RxD started in the Renegade Demo as a way to bring Brenbot and more maps to it. RxD turned into a lot more. We successfully brought over all of the stock maps plus many fan maps. Now these just aren't the regular maps. The maps have been pimped out the to Xtreme! When RxD originally was released it was a huge hit and I think it will be again.

RxD Dev team consisted of elloGuy, Zuess, Slave, Vipeax, Blacky, and myself as the original tester.

For those of you that remember it I think you will be quite excited to play it again and for those of you that have yet to play it: Get ready to experience renegade in a brand new way.

Saying that, we need some testers! Please post under this topic if you are interested in helping out.

Join us on irc at irc.RenCorner.net #RC-RxD

Thanks guys!

1. Animoski

2. BiLLaBoNg

3. Cronus

4. Wyld1

5. Shaitan

6. Joetorp

6. WNxM4ST3r

7. Rooney

8. Lundy004

9. Manuel857

10. SpEeDeR

11. WNxDestr0y3r

12. Duswind

13. Good-One-Driver

14. Dronez

  • Like 2

I'm interested!


Sounds like great fun :)


I'm interested but say me the steps ;)


Man, I could use a person like you in my new business. I plan to sell cats to old ladies! I could use your style. XD

What do we have to download to play?

Man, I could use a person like you in my new business. I plan to sell cats to old ladies! I could use your style. XDWhat do we have to download to play?


I love cats :X but u say about me?


Let me know I will help.

Man, I could use a person like you in my new business. I plan to sell cats to old ladies! I could use your style. XD

What do we have to download to play?

It will be an automatic download when you try to join.

5. Animoski


I'll help.


Ohhh yes please!


Volcom can u say the ip to connect so download or.. -.-


Just let me know if you need someone


Sure if I'm available.


If i can i will ...


can someone upload all maps and we will download , better than automatic download Thx

  • Veteran Admin

I'll help out whenever you need me as allways <3


Yeah,I am out because my lag issues and  I will be inactive for some days ( school business  :) )


Count me in, I used to play as well as cronus back in the gsa days.


Blacky i know you have this maps because you made it :)


can you please , upload all maps " RxD " on one link  and we will download it Thx..

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