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VIP (second attempt)

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My real life name is Amir 

I use jjjjjjjja3 as main character

I am 13 years old

I am from Canada ontario

2 years of playing terraria

YouTube video, i searches (top 10 best terraria servers)

Around a year of playing in server

i would like VIP because 1. Who doesn’t want VIP? 2. I have been starting to play more terraria daily so I would like to use thing server more. 3. This is a pretty well made server I would like to make videos on (for YT) 


p.s. holy crap SkilZ is a good admin! He tricked me into thinking he’s actually a different player and spied on me pretty good!



Accepted! Don't forget to vote daily and to participate in events to receive an upgraded VIP rank, prefixed armor and specially prefixed weapons! You can now start events such as capture the flag and TDM with /start ctf/tdm! (On port 7777 only)! Look forward to our upcoming RPG Server! After one month of actively playing, you can ask a SeniorMod or Admin for VIP+ which comes with more benefits and permissions, including the ability to summon invasion events on our free items server!

~ Skilz

(I removed your last name from your application for security reasons, no need for it).

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