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seifmagdi muslium aimbotcal

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If you guys would like some drama-festing, since this is in the festive season and all:

This applies to Seifmagdi, Muslium [1] [2], and aimbotcal. It's been long enough and lastnight I didn't really care about repercussions.

Spoiler alert:


November 30, 2019
[6:09 PM] shaitan: @seifmagdi  enjoying his hacking as usual:  

[6:12 PM] seifmagdi: B
that's not even me
[6:12 PM] seifmagdi: dafuq you blaming me for everything?
[6:12 PM] shaitan: Ofc not, it never is.
[6:13 PM] seifmagdi: why tf would I even join with such name
[6:13 PM] seifmagdi: I would not think of that
[6:13 PM] shaitan: Just so you know, i know more of what goes on here than you think, kid.
[6:13 PM] seifmagdi: bruh
[6:13 PM] seifmagdi: I said that's not me
[6:13 PM] seifmagdi: stop
[6:14 PM] shaitan: bruh they even took ur name at one point, bruh
[6:14 PM] seifmagdi: wtf
[6:14 PM] seifmagdi: what
[6:14 PM] seifmagdi: lol someone tried joining with my name?
[6:14 PM] shaitan: also took the same exact hax u like to use and make.
[6:14 PM] shaitan: "coincidense"
[6:14 PM] seifmagdi: A couple days ago there was a hacker in RenX under named seifmagdiseifmagdisei.....
[6:15 PM] seifmagdi: was not even me
[6:15 PM] shaitan: A couple of days ago there was a seifmagdi in my server, bragging about it later on in discord.
[6:15 PM] seifmagdi: lol it's not even me xD
[6:15 PM] seifmagdi: I already told you
[6:15 PM] seifmagdi: it's not me
[6:15 PM] shaitan: It never is, ur own words damn u, and its funny
[6:16 PM] shaitan: btw the one join u did tonight, i had to  laugh.. u werent actually VPN kicked, u lagged out
[6:16 PM] seifmagdi: ...
[6:16 PM] seifmagdi: what?
[6:17 PM] seifmagdi: you have to think of other people hacking. As I said couple days ago there was hacker in Renx
[6:17 PM] seifmagdi: spoofing under my name but weirdly
[6:17 PM] seifmagdi: ask RenX developer buttons lol
[6:17 PM] seifmagdi: (Sarah)
[6:17 PM] seifmagdi: she will tell you
[6:18 PM] shaitan: mhm
[6:18 PM] seifmagdi: so what
[6:34 PM] shaitan: https://guidedhacking.com/threads/c-c-renegade-encrypted-and-shared-codes-everywhere.11369/


[6:34 PM] shaitan: interesting isnt it?
[6:34 PM] shaitan: 11-26.png


[6:34 PM] shaitan: also interesting you were supposedly NOT in my server last Sunday, yet there u are admitting it again
[6:34 PM] shaitan: Would u like more?
[6:35 PM] shaitan: I dont mind showing these guys what a piece of shit you are.
[6:36 PM] seifmagdi: lol I was sniping noob
[6:36 PM] seifmagdi: legit sniping
[6:37 PM] seifmagdi: cuz I was bored and wanted to snipe
[6:37 PM] shaitan: 1.JPG


[6:37 PM] shaitan: 2.JPG


[6:37 PM] shaitan: 3.JPG


[6:37 PM] shaitan: 4.JPG


[6:37 PM] shaitan: Brotherhood of Nod Kane = aimbotcal = whatIamdoinghere
[6:37 PM] seifmagdi: lmao he is innocent you noob
[6:38 PM] seifmagdi: keep posting talkshit
[6:38 PM] shaitan: Keep being shown for the liar that you are, it's great.
[6:38 PM] seifmagdi: lol :this: xDDD
[6:38 PM] shaitan: xxxxxxxasdad.PNG.e35044b57971cdaca48d7cd


[6:38 PM] seifmagdi: I am not lying
[6:38 PM] seifmagdi: yeah that was from the months ago
[6:39 PM] shaitan: 1 month ago
[6:39 PM] seifmagdi: month ago then
[6:39 PM] shaitan: unknown5a.png


[6:39 PM] shaitan: unknown6a.png


[6:39 PM] seifmagdi: lol when I said that I was lying
[6:39 PM] shaitan: oh i remember that day, it was the start of your cheating spree. where u were teleporting people to your c4
[6:40 PM] seifmagdi: I was making fun of CjX0r
[6:40 PM] seifmagdi: in a fun way
[6:40 PM] shaitan: thats the day i dropped u on ur head ingame so much to make u rage cheat even more. remember that? it was on Under
[6:40 PM] seifmagdi: lol
[6:40 PM] shaitan: unknown10.png


[6:40 PM] shaitan: unknown11.png


[6:41 PM] shaitan: unknown12.png


[6:41 PM] shaitan: unknown13.png


[6:41 PM] shaitan: unknown14.png


[6:41 PM] shaitan: Btw they think you're a joke using Cheat Engine, that you're not a real hacker.
[6:42 PM] shaitan: That one gets me in the feels for you.
[6:42 PM] seifmagdi: :this: I am not a real hacker yes
[6:42 PM] seifmagdi: Beating an encryption system feels nice
[6:42 PM] seifmagdi: :slight_smile:
[6:42 PM] shaitan: to be fair, I've seen you do things noone else has ever done in a public server i've been at since '04.
[6:42 PM] ExEric3: lol
[6:42 PM] ExEric3: funny to read
[6:43 PM] shaitan: The teleporting thing, that day was like "holy shit"
[6:43 PM] seifmagdi: do not blame for today you get it fag?
[6:43 PM] ExEric3: shaitan can write a book about seifmag :smile:
[6:43 PM] shaitan: i think i am posting that book here in parts, eric :stuck_out_tongue:
[6:43 PM] seifmagdi: post it, what's wrong with watching you getting 1 hit killed
[6:44 PM] seifmagdi: by someone
[6:44 PM] shaitan: You should have just listened to me back then, and kept the cheats to offline. You wouldnt be RAGING so much in those messages
[6:44 PM] shaitan: going to give yourself a stroke
[6:44 PM] seifmagdi: nope
[6:44 PM] shaitan: Flipside is it's been fun for me making stupid scripts to block hundreds of thousands of vpns..
[6:45 PM] ExEric3: lol unknown.png


[6:45 PM] seifmagdi: lol seif
[6:45 PM] seifmagdi: not even close
[6:45 PM] shaitan: unknown9.png


[6:45 PM] shaitan: unknown.png


[6:46 PM] shaitan: unknown2.png


[6:46 PM] shaitan: unknown3.png


[6:46 PM] seifmagdi: fake anger
[6:46 PM] shaitan: unknown4.png


[6:46 PM] shaitan: unknown5.png


[6:46 PM] seifmagdi: you think I am always angry?
[6:46 PM] shaitan: unknown6.png


[6:46 PM] shaitan: unknown7.png


[6:46 PM] shaitan: unknown8.png


[6:46 PM] seifmagdi: I am always happy
[6:47 PM] shaitan: I think you're a cheating cunt who pretend that he isnt a cheater/cheat maker.
[6:47 PM] Mussy: bruh
[6:47 PM] shaitan: your friend whatamidoinghere/aimbotcl/kane:
[6:47 PM] seifmagdi: cheating is nothing bad
[6:47 PM] ExEric3: seif why u didnt destroyed builyindgs with that hack
[6:47 PM] shaitan: 1.JPG


[6:47 PM] shaitan: 2.JPG


[6:47 PM] shaitan: 3.JPG


[6:47 PM] shaitan: 4.JPG


[6:47 PM] shaitan: 5.JPG


[6:47 PM] shaitan: 6.JPG


[6:48 PM] seifmagdi: I don't have time to server side hack
[6:48 PM] seifmagdi: also
[6:48 PM] seifmagdi: speaking of that
[6:48 PM] shaitan: That ^ is why aimbotcal did not get the time of day in the ban topic. i already knew all of this.
[6:48 PM] seifmagdi: that wasn't still me
[6:48 PM] shaitan: ofc it wasnt you
[6:48 PM] seifmagdi: no proof
[6:48 PM] Mussy: bruh ppl still hacking on renegade
[6:49 PM] shaitan: You sound like a Trump supporter. seif has the smoking gun, killed grandma, but claims he's innocent
[6:49 PM] seifmagdi: lol lmao xd
[6:49 PM] seifmagdi: I live in USA yes.
[6:49 PM] shaitan: swedish meatball
[6:49 PM] seifmagdi: nope I live in the US
[6:50 PM] shaitan: But but but you didn't report my youtube videos, either ->
[6:50 PM] shaitan: Capture_2019-11-20-01-44-35.png


[6:50 PM] shaitan: Capture_2019-11-20-01-44-59.png


[6:50 PM] shaitan: Capture_2019-11-20-01-45-31.png


[6:50 PM] shaitan: Alls I see are lies, seif. Lots of lies from you.
[6:50 PM] seifmagdi: that war factory photo looks like it's gonna be allowed on youtube
[6:50 PM] seifmagdi: makes sense.
[6:51 PM] seifmagdi: instead of masterbauting everyday go work you lazy ass :smile:
[6:52 PM] seifmagdi: and get a wife too
[6:52 PM] shaitan: AA secret: those pt babses were given to me by FM Dudley in 2005 oir so, I have had them so long i forget theyre there.
[6:53 PM] seifmagdi: nice how you still keep them
[6:55 PM] seifmagdi: yeah I said to download backup to just see what stuff you keep in your data folder
[7:11 PM] shaitan: [19:09:23] <RCAOW> Host: Sgt.snips has been recommended by BRenBot for: Best K/D Ratio on C&C_Field with 5.3
[7:11 PM] shaitan: Ouch
[8:27 PM] Noire Leblanc: APB Renegade: we know drama

December 1, 2019
[4:29 AM] seifmagdi: :this: yes that is a whole drama he created
[4:29 AM] seifmagdi: laughing my ass off so hard
[4:30 AM] seifmagdi: lol 5.3 k/d
[4:30 AM] seifmagdi: I bet that guy had fun
[8:09 AM] Hiramaky: Not gonna lie you both sound completely retarded. Nothing to brag about.
[8:18 AM] seifmagdi: ok boomer
[8:36 AM] Yosh56: We all know Renegade's only powersource is renedrama. Tis fine.
[9:15 AM] Kaskins: But be careful is a contagious one, that will spread to other mods and other server. There is no escape :stuck_out_tongue:

[11:49 AM] shaitan: Oh, no, an apb guy thinks I am retarded. It's funny, I've thought the same of you all en-masse for 13 years.
[11:55 AM] Noire Leblanc: then why the fuck are you here?
[11:55 AM] shaitan: Good question, and it has nothing to do with you.
[11:55 AM] Noire Leblanc: well I'm glad you're not here for me
[11:55 AM] Noire Leblanc: but that's not much of an answer
[11:56 AM] shaitan: The "drama" here was because that lying lil weasel got me suspended from youtube that day. I had to remove all of my renegade-cheater videos because of him, so, I blew up lastnight. 
I did this in public since he was planning on being on the TT dev team at one time. That's what is needed; one more dev who makes cheats openly. It's great for the 'retarded' image.
[11:57 AM] shaitan: All because he couldn't stand being banned for cheating, and had to keep poking.
[11:58 AM] Noire Leblanc: now see you could have just opened with that instead of "it has nothing to do with you"
[11:58 AM] Noire Leblanc: but it's fair, we're all retards here who wouldn't understand
[11:58 AM] shaitan: I did, and you decided to get involved.
[12:01 PM] Genesis: [9:55 AM] Noire Leblanc: then why the fuck are you here? 
It's #renegade not #a-path-beyond
[12:01 PM] Noire Leblanc: okay now that's a fair criticism
[12:01 PM] Pushwall: so he tries to join the tt dev team and that automatically makes us retarded despite not accepting him
[12:01 PM] Pushwall: bruh
[12:01 PM] Pushwall: guilt by the vaguest association so fun
[12:02 PM] Pushwall: better hope he doesn't try to join any of your stuff
[12:03 PM] shaitan: What are you yammering about, Push? I did not call you retarded for that.
[12:03 PM] Pushwall: It's great for the 'retarded' image.
[12:03 PM] shaitan: Read
[12:03 PM] shaitan: it
[12:03 PM] shaitan: again
[12:07 PM] Threve: Just ban the dude and move on
[12:08 PM] Threve: then make anouther Youtube account. You're the overlord/lead admin of that server anyways if im not mistaken so who cares
[12:08 PM] shaitan: Do you get it yet? When I wrote it it was as simple as saying it would be dumb to have this guy in a position of trust, retarded for the image it would make.
[12:10 PM] seifmagdi: lol noob
[12:10 PM] seifmagdi: I was trying to join to fix the anti-cheat
[12:10 PM] seifmagdi: I know it's broken
[12:10 PM] seifmagdi: I can break it easily in cheat engine
[12:10 PM] seifmagdi: stock version is hard to break
[12:10 PM] seifmagdi: I wasn't joining to do anything bad
[12:10 PM] seifmagdi: that was the main reason. Joining to fix anti-cheat
[12:16 PM] rackz: me no hack, me no gay, but i hack
[12:16 PM] rackz: https://guidedhacking.com/threads/c-c-renegade-encrypted-and-shared-codes-everywhere.11369/


[12:17 PM] seifmagdi: So what? I didn't need anyone's help
[12:17 PM] seifmagdi: no one helped me
[12:17 PM] seifmagdi: since this game is too old
[12:17 PM] rackz: thats the problem, you didnt need help, and thats why your cheats worked
[12:17 PM] Pushwall: https://www.cheatengine.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=5742022
[12:17 PM] seifmagdi: I did all by myself.
[12:17 PM] rackz: then youre the only asshole
[12:18 PM] rackz: and not wrapittotapit guy
[12:18 PM] shaitan: Ok, that's funny, I didn't know about that CE link until now.
[12:19 PM] rackz: hit uninstal exe and take your shit with you
[12:19 PM] seifmagdi: make me then
[12:51 PM] seifmagdi: You had to create a whole drama. Meanwhile I was in Reneunion today and nothing happened to me.
[12:55 PM] shaitan: I didn't create it; if you had bothered listening to me before none of this would have happened. Noone forced you to make online cheats, noone forced you to release those cheats, noone forced you to keep bypassing bans with proxies and serial changing. You had a chance back then; keep it to yourself and offline, that was our deal.
[12:56 PM] shaitan: Cheaters gunna cheat, though.
[12:58 PM] seifmagdi: lol. I have stopped from some time now. The rest crap is nothing to do with me. I am more busy hacking now against bots. and I WAS NOT that guy yesterday.
[12:58 PM] seifmagdi: nothing to do with me
[12:59 PM] shaitan: ReneUnion? That one's either @Iran 's or @ExEric3 's server. How long do you think that will last, since they know all of this?
[12:59 PM] seifmagdi: it's exeric's
[1:00 PM] shaitan: awkward
[1:00 PM] seifmagdi: lol it will last forever
[1:00 PM] seifmagdi: will not do anything there as I said.
[1:00 PM] seifmagdi: I was having fun sniping people
[1:00 PM] seifmagdi: with my mouse that twitches a lot
[1:00 PM] shaitan: You miss my point; "how long do you think you will last there since they already have known about you". Is that more clear?
[1:01 PM] seifmagdi: ok you know what we will see then
[1:01 PM] seifmagdi: we will see. I will wait.
[1:01 PM] shaitan: You said the same to me, you said the same to MPF.
[1:19 PM] OWA: Ultimately the person who decides who is on the TT team is jonwil, so a PM to him would have sufficed imo.
[1:19 PM] OWA: This is a just a bit messy.
[1:34 PM] seifmagdi: And I know who prevented me. But I won't say who. I just know 100% exactly. 2 people but not listing them.
[2:05 PM] shaitan: So was messing with my video account that had more than just cheater vids.
[2:58 PM] rackz: lets just ignore that cheater
[2:58 PM] rackz: hes a looser, noone starts cheating for no reason
[3:00 PM] rackz: "cheating offline" you can do in leveledit by creating a custom objets.ddb, but you went another silly way.   you cheat, you suck, bye
[3:00 PM] rackz: time to block him
[3:13 PM] seifmagdi: haha block me
[3:13 PM] seifmagdi: I don't care
[3:13 PM] seifmagdi: You're the sack of shit who is a loser anyways xD

  • Haha 2

Lmfao cheat engine



  • Like 1

wow, this guy can't stop lying


poor Trump supporters...


[6:49 PM] shaitan: You sound like a Trump supporter. seif has the smoking gun, killed grandma, but claims he's innocent

  • Like 1

What a cringe fest those discord screencaps are, "im a bad motherfucker" - oww the cringe...

All those people are just in a little circle jerk community of terrible rene players resorting to cheating because they're bad, with their leader seif using cheat engine and begging across the internet for people to create cheats for him thinking he's a big bad boss, really don't see what his addition to TT could possibly be.  Possibly another 1000 forum posts on the internet asking for help with cheating, just google his name, its funny.

  • Like 1

Guy named aimbotcal using aimbot. You'd think he'd be brighter than this and pick a name that doesn't give it out LOL

  • Like 1
  • Haha 1

Oh wow, this was fun to read. Are there more of these? popcorn-and-drink-smiley-emoticon.gif I feel like Seifmagdi is a teenager from the way he writes and the people he hangs out with. I wrote a similar thing (about age) in another Ren forum, in fact, about one of his friends. I think it's just his teen hormones that make him act like a poop-head.

And STORY TIME!!: He reminds me of my younger brother who used to cheat in Ren (Jelly Server). And yes, I DO have a brother, I swear lol. He denied it every time I questioned him and there was nothing suspicious (like a program) on his game screen nor on his desktop. (How the hell is this possible by the way?) So I was never sure of him. But apparently he did cheat as he admitted it months later. His excuses were always so similar to Seifmagdi's. But if I remember correctly he was like 12 years old back then. No matter how many times I told him it's not okay to do that, he just wouldn't get it. At some point, I was so angry that I even told my mom about it, lol and she was like "oh he's just a kid, let him be". Then we got banned by Manuel... Then he moved on to RenX and.. cheating. Then soon after our ban, there appeared a new server called "Rencorner" and our new adventure began...

In short, if some people don't have the capacity to perceive things mentally due to their age, then maybe we shouldn't lose ourselves over something that's out of our control. I think you should just ban him and have no further argument about it. When he is mature enough, hopefully he will realize his mistakes on his own. And then maybe he'll deserve to come back here one day, if Rencorner, Renagade lasts to that very day, of course.

  • Like 4
  • Haha 1

OMG, the snowflake everything offends me kids as per usual. I can't hack life but I'll hack a computer game. I'm such a real boy now I can hack an old game, look at me, just look at me. The princess of hacking because I'm a privileged little pink princess. Seiflagdi the privileged pink princess.

IF you ban him he will complain to the president of the USA. The next Greta Thunberg in the making, he will stand up and protest to world about how he is offended by Rencorner and how cheating should be allowed. He must stand together with the other cheaters and all hold hands. They are a minority, cheaters lives matters.

Where the hell are the REAL GAMER GUYS? Do they exist oh wait it's the internet, so no they don't just like women right....right?

Ice's rant over.

(Yes I am taking the piss okay I feel that way out today.)


  • Like 3
  • Haha 2

Fuck, I didn’t bring enough popcorn for this shit

  • Haha 1
Posted (edited)

Since RenForums are down, we gotta keep the drama-legacy alive through here I guess... :Umwut:

Didn't click all the links but, how/why did he get you suspended on YouTube, and be forced to delete your Rene-vids?


Edited by D4rX
  • Like 1
10 minutes ago, D4rX said:

Since RenForums are down, we gotta keep the drama-legacy alive through here I guess... :Umwut:

Didn't click all the links but, how/why did he get you suspended on YouTube, and be forced to delete your Rene-vids?


Modded PT icons showing nudity.

And regarding aimbotcal. You don't need to take my word for it but I really don't think he actually cheated. I feel so because we actually chat from time to time and I think I've got a good feel of how he is. He's... a bit of a dimwit, yeah, and that got him dragged along in joining the fun for a bit but that really was just a load of shittalk, nothing else. I've done that in the past too but I would never consider doing anything malicious. And now you have chatlogs but no physical evidence that he cheated. Either way he's moved on from Renegade now and might be back sometime, I dunno how and when.

Seifma's definitely still a kid. Sheila's hit the spot right there. He's had several enablers around him and most likely thought he could get away with his actions a few times. I'm not commenting on his latest spat in Rencorner, but if you have nobody close to him telling him that what he's doing is wrong, he's gonna keep doing it until he's matured enough by himself to know what his actions, and their consequences are.

  • Like 2

Pack it up boys, we need to be standing right next to cheaters at their PC's from now on. Then again, that makes us accessories to the murder.:beerhere:

The links should be embedded inside the spoiler now, @D4rX.

6 hours ago, Learonys said:

And regarding aimbotcal. You don't need to take my word for it but I really don't think he actually cheated. I feel so because we actually chat from time to time and I think I've got a good feel of how he is. He's... a bit of a dimwit, yeah, and that got him dragged along in joining the fun for a bit but that really was just a load of shittalk, nothing else. I've done that in the past too but I would never consider doing anything malicious. And now you have chatlogs but no physical evidence that he cheated. Either way he's moved on from Renegade now and might be back sometime, I dunno how and when.

I can 100% agree with that.
He's from austria. Seif is swedish and muslium egypt they are different persons for sure. We chat from time to time too, he is a good guy what I can say and I really don't think he cheats..
He even streamed his games lately so I was surprised he got banned again.
I mean you probably got proofs in moderator section I guess but yeah


Good topic, but let’s let the drama die with Renforums 

Posted (edited)

[6:47 PM] seifmagdi: cheating is nothing bad

God, i wish someone would have used his own hacks on him.

Btw check if he was the kid that cheated using my name. Because i was making fun of his little MPF friends.

Edited by rackz

I have a video of this guy/Muslim complaining that I was cheating. I just remembered that now for a good “lol”!


At least he wasn’t TBing like certain characters around here v:


 Being a  “good guy” 🙄 can still mean you cheat lol. 




anyone got any more popcorn I can have

Posted (edited)
On 12/2/2019 at 9:41 PM, trunkskgb said:

Good topic, but let’s let the drama die with Renforums 

cheaters should be exposed tbh

and lol its hard to make cheats to bypass tt, afaik its not that difficult, its just that any public released cheat will get patched.

Edited by ehh
Posted (edited)

Allow him to join the server and give us all hax (or !kill seifmagdi command) to kill him. Let's give him a taste of his own medicine if he thinks it's so fun lol

Edited by Sheila
  • Haha 1

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