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Bills needed for August.

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This coming month is going to be the one I've been dreading this whole year. We're going to need about $295 prior to September 8th.

During this month, I think I am going to try and get our forums/webserver moved to another company and go with a DirectAdmin panel. Cpanel licensing is going to cost us +14/month extra, which defeats the whole purpose of moving stuff around this passed year to save money. So, it may throw off the numbers here(will either be +47 or +84(yearly), then minus that $29(forum+cpanel)).

383.86(Marathon: due 9-08-2020)
+ 150.27 (New Ark/MC/license: 53.99 + 53.99 + 25 * 13%) due 8-30-2020(Just paid pro-rates(61.63+42.13) to get them due on the end of the month)
+ 14.99(forums)
+ 13.99 (forum Cpanel license due 9-08-2020 if we do not migrate things this coming month, which I may do after the Cpanel fiasco)
= 563.11
- 277.38(246.38+31 I paypaled just now) currently in paypal
= 285.73 needed before paypal fees(+10 or so in fees = $295).

+ 69.50(iDrive.com offsite backups(2TB) due 8-20-2020. This one will come out of my bank)

Donation Goal should be accurate as of right now. 8-09-2020 10:20pm EST

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