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V.I.P Application

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1) What is your first name?


 2) What are your ingame character name(s)? Please pick a main one as well!


 3) How old are you?


 4) What country and region are you from?

United States of America 

 5) How long have you been playing Terraria?

Ever since 1.1

 6) How did you find our server?

Honestly i stopped playing for about a month or two because i was on ps4, now my friends don't play so i just randomly joined a server on my phone, not knowing i was about to instantly enjoy myself. 

 7) How long have you been playing on our server?

For about 30 minutes and i can honestly say, im hooked. Love at first sight ❤ 

 8) Why do you want VIP?
To help other players in need and to help connect the server in a friendly/family type manner. Thats all i want. The title and perks really dont mean much, but if they help me help others, ill gladly use the tools i am given.

Heyo Alfa, your application has been accepted! Please enjoy various perks such as the Portal Gun, a private building space @/warp vip, access to almost every banned item, spawning Old One's Army and other Invasion Events, and more! 

~ Disc / Skilz

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