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RenCorner Network

VIP application.

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 What is your first name?




 2) What are your ingame character name(s)? Please pick a main one as well!

Jhonny Silverhand / SafeGhost320



 3) How old are you?




 4) What country and region are you from?




 5) How long have you been playing Terraria?

About a month really enjoy the game but still practicing



 6) How did you find our server?

I was getting bored of playing alone so I went and searched for servers found rencorner and the community was nice and rarely ever any bans



 7) How long have you been playing on our server?

I think a week on my SafeGhost320 account but on Jhonny Silverhand 2 days



 8) Why do you want VIP?

I figured I could help people out with stuff when I'm online and try and spot out some griefers/cheaters (ran into those types of people in other games annoyed the crap outta me) 





Accepted! Thanks for being a part of our community!

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