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Terraria VIP Application

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1) What is your first name?


 2) What are your ingame character name(s)? Please pick a main one as well!

Thisgame.. and TrapzY

 3) How old are you?


 4) What country and region are you from?

Wales, EU

 5) How long have you been playing Terraria?

6-7 years

 6) How did you find our server?

I found the server through a YT video

 7) How long have you been playing on our server?

8 months

 8) Why do you want VIP?
Ive been here for 8 months and I just feel it’s time because I learnt a lot about the server

Hello Thisgame, I apperciate you applying for VIP, but you have absolutely not been playing here for 8 months. The only condition that would be possible is if you played on Terraria PC, joined and played then - and then get on mobile, then play here. 

The two registered accounts of yours are: Thisgame.. and "Im gonna beat this", both registering at exactly: 2021-02-04  16:16:46 and 2021-02-04 16:01:35 respectively. 

I'd love to accept your VIP application! However, you need to be honest with us about your join date! Once you reply to this post with the correct date (or edit your post above), I'll give you VIP ingame! :)

Posted (edited)

The amount of account I’ve had to create because I’m on mobile, since when you delete the game oh lose everything you’ve worked for. I’ve been playing for a few months on the server. This account “Thisgame” is my main account now, It was registered on the Thursday 4th of February 2021. Sorry about the dates and that. I’ll be honest in the future.

Edited by Thisgame
  • Thanks 1

Heya Thisgame, thank you for applying for VIP and telling the truth! :D Your application has been accepted! Please enjoy various perks such as the Portal Gun, a private building space @/warp vip, access to almost every banned item, spawning Old One's Army, other Invasion Events, ranking up with /rank up, using /check and /uic and much more now that the new server is up! 

Welcome to the Community! :D

~ Disc / Skilz


Thank you my friend, again I’m sorry for being dishonest In the first place.



There ya go, thanks for applying for VIP! Your application has been accepted! Please enjoy various perks such as the Portal Gun, a private building space @/warp vip, access to almost every banned item, spawning Old One's Army, other Invasion Events, ranking up with /rank up, using /check and /uic and much more now that the new server is up! 

Welcome to the Community! :D

~ Disc / Skilz

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