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My tempmod terraria application


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1 what is your real name 

My real name is ziaan

2 what is your main chracter's name in game

My ingame chararcter name is ziaan(yes i put my real name in my charater game)

3 how often do you play and how long have you been on the server

I have play here often(at least one after 2 day) and i play here for 5 or 6 weeks

4 how old are you

Im 13 year old

5 why do u want the staff position

Because of 2 thing-one im bored and want to do something for the terraria server and second i want to help the community

6 what is your history with moderating and/or administrating terraria server

I dont have any experience being the mod/admin so this will be new/first time

7 what is your understanding of the responsibilities in helper/tempmod

I understand that the responsibilities of being tempmod/helper is important and should be monitering the server for any trouble while helping other people

8 on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the least) how knowledgeable are u with internet chat relay and mirc.exe

Tbh my irc and mirc are low since all of this are completely new to me but i did read both on the internet so i say 3

9 how long have you play terraria 

I have play terraria for 2 year

10 have u ever been banned on a server before if so why?

I have been once , idk why they ban me since there are no sign about the rule and i have been careful and cautios

11 name four of our server the rules and explain why are the important

Do not cheat: cheating with more than 12 minion is not allowed and must not abuse glitch exept the hoik glitch

Do not spam item: spamming item can cause inventory flood making it harder to manage a nice inventoey

Do not flood chat: flood chat will make people cant see other people say cleary 

Do not grief:griefing is extremly bad since it just destroy people hard work

12 what will u do if theres a situation u cant handle? - i will call admin and while that i try my best to make the sittuation not getting out of hand

13 your friend join and begin hacking what will you do 

I will warn him and if he still continue i will kick him and if rejoin and did it again i will ban him

14 another player you dislike and say something that bother or annoy you what will you react

Ima just ignore him and keep on with my work but i still keep an eye on him incase he cheat/grief

15 what will you say about your greatest weakness and strenght

I say my greatest weakness is lonlieness (i might have mispeled that) and my greatest strenght is happyness and music

16 a man's wife is very sick and needs special medicin to survive, the only pharmacy is charging for that medicen for a ridicluos high price and the men can not afford it,is it okay to let the men to steal it or not?

Hmm i dont think he should be stealing because that will end up him going to jail and his wife will go to the inpreventeble death but it will be good if i have the money and i bought the med for him but i just a random kid and i think he should be asking for people to help him pay the medicine.

17 what sets u apart from other player and staff applicants ?answer in at least 20 word 

When i was playing seeing a mod/tempmod/halfmod was quite uncommon tho the 5 or 6 week and i have the time to go everyday and even full day on weekends(half day for saturday because of school)

18 you are driving past a small bus stop with 3 people sitting there.you are in the car for only one person as you slow down to see 3 people an eldery woman who in need to go to the hospital but cant call the ambulance, a very and dear old (who u owe him big) need help to get to the meeting in 30 min and finnaly a mate who u find very atractive, who will u help and why?

I will give my car to my friend and the eldery woman and promise with my friend to give him back after drive the elder woman to the hospital and finish the meeting and i will hang out with the mate i find atractive and became friend after couple of week will make a chance go ask to go date with u and mate

19 what is your discord tag

I do have discord but i cant use it anymore and force delete because of school but i do remeber the name is ziaan2 (i dont remeber the tag)

20 anything else u want to add 

This took very long to write since all of this are hand done no copy and paste since its kinda hard to do it and i apologize if i mispelled any word and the number 18 question might have change for shorter and faster process but it will still have the same meaning

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