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Voting rules?

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What are the current voting rules? In other words: how many need to vote yes for a vote to pass?

I'm under the impression that a vote very rarely passes because a lot of people just do not vote. Especially the votes that can help end the endless marathon games where airstrip / wf are down have this problem. maybe it's something to look into.

  • 4 weeks later...

Shaitan can tell you more he have access on BRenBot source files.

sub endVote
    my ( $session, $heap, $args ) = @_[ SESSION, HEAP, ARG0 ];
    my $kernel = $_[KERNEL];
    my %voteHeap = %{$heap->{voteHeap}};

    # First thing we should do is clear the alias for the
    # vote thread so that it can close properly.
    $kernel->post( "voteThread" => "clearAlias" );

  my $gdi_yes_votes = ( $voters{'team#1_yes'} ) ? $voters{'team#1_yes'} : 0;
  my $gdi_no_votes = ( $voters{'team#1_no'} ) ? $voters{'team#1_no'} : 0;
  my $nod_yes_votes = ( $voters{'team#0_yes'} ) ? $voters{'team#0_yes'} : 0;
  my $nod_no_votes = ( $voters{'team#0_no'} ) ? $voters{'team#0_no'} : 0;

    RenRem::RenRemCMD('msg [BR] Voting period over, tallying votes...   '
                    .brTeams::get_name(1)."; $gdi_yes_votes Yes, $gdi_no_votes No"
                    .brTeams::get_name(0)."; $nod_yes_votes Yes, $nod_no_votes No");

    my $totalVoters = $gdi_yes_votes + $gdi_no_votes + $nod_yes_votes + $nod_no_votes;
    my $totalPlayers = serverStatus::getCurrentPlayers();

    if ( $totalVoters < ( $totalPlayers / 3 ) )
        RenRem::RenRemCMD ( "msg [BR] Only $totalVoters out of $totalPlayers voted, at least a third of players must vote for the vote to pass. VOTE FAILED." );

    elsif ( ( $gdi_yes_votes + $nod_yes_votes ) <= ( $gdi_no_votes + $nod_no_votes ) )
        RenRem::RenRemCMD ( "msg [BR] More no votes than yes votes. VOTE FAILED." );

        RenRem::RenRemCMD ( "msg [BR] More yes votes than no votes. VOTE PASSED." );



An actual majority is needed to pass votes, not the "majority who are currently voting". Reason: some of you used to spam that shit and noone would pay attention and a minority of the player votes would pass.

Look through the CW brenbot configs, it might be the same.

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