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I did all the questions


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  1. What is your first name?  Nikan
  2. What is your age? (The older you are, the higher standard we will uphold you and your application to) 14
  3. What is your main language? Persian / farsi
  4. What other languages are you completely fluent in? (If any) English 
  5. What is your main character’s in-game name? Sp3llx
  6. How often do you play and how long have you been on our servers? (We will check to see how long your oldest account has been on the server for).  About 3 days ago

  7. What platform do you play Terraria on? (Mobile, PC, etc). half-mobile half-tablet (fold z)

  8. Do you have any experience/history with moderating and/or administrating Terraria servers? If so, please describe your experience in detail.  I have been a admin in eternia before. And people weren't that rude but exploits were much.

  9. What is your understanding of the responsibilities of Helper AND TempMod? Please answer with regards to both positions, even if you are only applying for one. (Don't just copy-paste.) If it's possible to learn all the things in rencorner terraria server. I would love to help ppl in rc terraria server and temp mod.. if it has ban or kick kind of things I would ban/kick players who use godmode in pvp arena (I mean I will warn them and if they do it over and over again I will punish them)  and i warn people who talk racist and sexist in chat box 3 times and if they say it 3 times again. They will get punished 

  10. On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the least), how knowledgeable are you with Internet Relay Chat and mIRC.exe? (Do you know what /cs is? How to voice someone? What /ns stands for? etc. Please be truthful.)  Cs is computer science that is used in universities and I know how to voice people and ns stands for no poop so it's 9/10

  11. Are you familiar with the "Dunning Kruger effect"? If not, please Google it and give a brief description of what you believe it says. basically Dunning Kruger effect is like a person thinks he's the best but in reality he's nothing 

  12. Now that you know what the Dunning Kruger effect is, did you adjust your answer to #10? If so, why? If not, why not?  I did answer questions number 10. I did it bcuz I wanna be a mod

  13. How long have you been playing Terraria? Since what version of the game?  I have joined terraria since 2020. Ver.1.4.1

  14. Have you ever been banned or punished on a server before (including ours)? If so, why? (Being honest here may serve to benefit your chances at staff).  I have been warned but not kicked or banned

  15. What would you say to a player who is asking how to get free items? I will tell the person  to type /warp qc & /warp items and I will tell the person u can do /I or /item for getting stuff or if that person  couldn't find it I will give him my self 

  16. What would you say to a player who is asking what is there to do on the server? I will tell him you can defeat bosses u can build u can hangout with friends u can go on pvp and so much more (plus I love rencorner :3)

  17. What are some perks VIPs have that Defaults do not? (List as many as possible that aren't just common commands or custom weapons).  vip users can 3 unique classes most banned items over 120 specialized ranks and custom weapons a larger house protecting area 

  18. Name four of our server rules and explain why they're important. Don't grief other players build. Don't spam. Don't ask for other players personal info. Explaining: bcuz griefing other players builds is the most evil way to make an terraria user upset. And it will destroy the persons toil. spamming will annoy other users in chatbox or if the person spams boss summons it would kill the other Players character in-game and it will make people mad in the server 

  19. What would you do if there was a situation you could not handle? I would tell higher ranks than me to help

  20. Your best friend joins our server and begins hacking. What do you do? I would punish him. cause the moderators gave me a responsibility 

  21. Another player you dislike says something that bothers or annoys you. How do you react? I would stay calm. Cause madness wouldn't fix anything 

  22. What would you say is your biggest strength? Your greatest weakness? My biggest strength is my fists. My greatest weakness is my balls

  23. A man’s wife is very sick and needs special medicine to survive. The only pharmacy to have the medicine is charging a ridiculously high price for it, which the man cannot afford. Is it okay for the man to steal the medicine? Why or why not? I mean it's obvious that he has to steal it. In that situation you can't let you're loved ones die. Or you can fix it by paying the thing the person stole 

  24. Why do you want a staff position here at RenCorner? To make exploiters or people who annoy other players and the users who are a threat to rc leave the game. Or I will punish them myself 

  25. What sets you apart from other players and staff applicants? Answer in at least 3-4 sentences. (We will count). 1.I will be active most the time - 2.i would not stay somewhere and watch a player doing bad things in the server 3.i always check the chat box to see is everything is OK or not 4.i would atleast warn people 3 times

  26. What is your discord tag/handle? [Ex: Username#1234]. Please note that Discord and/or IRC are required for this position, as we must be able to communicate with you outside of the game. The tags are gone lol

  27. Is there anything else you would like to add? (Anything that we didn't ask about?)  no :/

Edited by Sp3llx
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Hi Sp3llx, thank you for applying to be a part of the Rencorner Terraria staff team. Unfortunately, due to not yet having played actively for 4 weeks (your register date was yesterday), we cannot review your application at this time. Please feel free to apply again once you've been here for at least 4 weeks!


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