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Requesting colored rockets/shells/bullets skin

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Dear mods

I would like to request the usage of certain skins that change the visuals of tank/arty shells and bullets. I used these skins for the past 3 years or so as I really like the way Renegade looks once a lof of stuff is flying across the screen, but ever since there has been a new update I am unable to join without removing those.


What is the filename of the skin?


What does the skin do/what does it change?

Basically changes the colors of the projectiles (darker smoke, red/yellow trail instead of the generic white) for all tanks (except MRLS) as well as enhanced colors for all rifles/machine guns.

Please upload some screenshots of the skin, as well as the file itself.

Please find below two screenshots from the package as well as two screenshots done by me




Thanks a lot in advance! I really hope these get through, as I really love these skins, and they don't provide me any real advantage whatsoever. (maybe except for having more fun, which will amplify my skills :P)



ag_tshell_nod01.w3d e_artyblacksmk.w3d e_artyredflame.w3d e_blacksmk.w3d e_medblacksmk.w3d e_medredflame.w3d e_redflame.w3d tracer_gold.W3D tracer_red.W3D

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ban fardin he´s clearly a cheaterpig

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So tracert_gold, tracert_red and ag_tshell_nod01 will be not added on server side anticheat.

tracerts are considered as advantage skin - cheat



and that ag_tshell_nod01 have missing textures.


So these files u can put in data folder:

  • e_artyblacksmk.w3d
  • e_artyredflame.w3d
  • e_blacksmk.w3d
  • e_medblacksmk.w3d
  • e_medredflame.w3d
  • e_redflame.w3d



Thanks a lot for your quick reply. Some things are still a bit unclear to me though so please excuse me if I'm still bothering you :)

1.) Do I understand the following right? Both Tracers for the bullets are not allowed, so I have to remove those permanently in order to be able to join?

2.) the ag_tshell_nod01 is also not allowed, because it lacks texture? Because for me it does not look like the screenshot you posted (with the white square) but it looks like the one I posted. (To my noob eyes, it does not look like textures are missing)

I am asking because I just tested and saw that if I remove the ag_tshell_nod01 file, all others won't work either for some reason. (or rather the color change does not work, all that happens is that the smoke is a bit darker.) Why exactly would it be considered a cheat of it lacks texture though? I would really appreciate it, if I could still include this because removing it seems to make all other skins useless.
Additionally, regarding the tracers for the bullets: I understand that tracers can be regarded as cheats (especially in case of sbhs and stanks etc) but honestly I don't see how in this case, these particular two would provide any advantage? Vanilla Renegade already has colored bullets, it's not like this changes anything fundamentally, does it? All it does is enhance the colors a bit and make them slightly more visible? From what I understand "clearscope" skins that greatly increase a snipers vision are widely in use, as well as the "clear chat box" skins, clear smoke skins, or the spongebob c4 etc... how are those allowed and this is not? :-/  
I'm sorry I'm resisting this much, it's just that I've been using these skins for the past 2 years or so and got really used to them. Rene is such an old and "bland" looking game, these changes made the game just so much more visually appealing to me, especially during huge battles. I've never cheated, never wanted to and never been accused of doing so (hell I suck ass way too much for that lol), so I would like to ask you if there might be a way to reconsider this? Or alternatively, would you know how or where to get some skins, that provide a similar effect, but are "legal" to use?

Thanks a lot again in advance


The w3d emittors/tracers are the problem. I've had this same conversation with you guys alot for almost 12 years(technically 20 years now in other communities). You can see those bright ass files from across the map, even the yellow spongebob c4 cannot do that. The tanking ones I relented on because you're a bigass tank anyway. The character bullets/etc there will be cheat accusations flown around, there will be drama, there will be you finding snipers/etc you shouldn't be finding that easy.

There was a time recently that you guys were getting into the server with them...idk who/exactly when, but one of us turned that anticheat off in svrcfg_cnc.ini(isn't a file I checked that often). I turned it back on when I noticed it.



Those flashy yellow rockets? That's why, and it applies to any character related emittor(including c4, but spongebob's don't have that).

2 hours ago, shaitan said:

The w3d emittors/tracers are the problem. I've had this same conversation with you guys alot for almost 12 years(technically 20 years now in other communities). You can see those bright ass files from across the map, even the yellow spongebob c4 cannot do that. The tanking ones I relented on because you're a bigass tank anyway. The character bullets/etc there will be cheat accusations flown around, there will be drama, there will be you finding snipers/etc you shouldn't be finding that easy.

There was a time recently that you guys were getting into the server with them...idk who/exactly when, but one of us turned that anticheat off in svrcfg_cnc.ini(isn't a file I checked that often). I turned it back on when I noticed it.



Those flashy yellow rockets? That's why, and it applies to any character related emittor(including c4, but spongebob's don't have that).

Hi Shai

Thanks a lot for your reply. I'm sorry you had to deal with this same topic for such a long time. I myself are rarely ever active on forums (never was, unless it was needed) so I cannot even imagine what it feels like having to deal with this kind of stuff (let alone all the other BS related to owning and managing an online gameforum/server of a 20years old game lol).

Nevertheless I would still like to mention that I never used the rocket tracers, as I was always unable to join the server with those. I'm fine with having to only those colored shells/smoke for the other tanks. So based on your quote, does it mean you will at least allow the tank/arty shells and just forbid the rockets? (I would be totally fine with that :))

As for the bullet tracers: from what I understand it only applied to autorifles/chainguns/vehicle MGs, not any other weapon (no pistols, no sniper rifles). And honestly in this particular case I can't imagine a situation where this increased visibility would drastically change gameplay and give you an advantage, especially if compared to the other allowed skins that I mentioned earlier, that are widely in use. E.g., I have lost count of how many times I couldn't find a c4 on my tank or on the floor and died because of that. Also I'm being sniped left and right, yet when I try to snipe half the screen is black and the other is green while others have clear scope xD. I do feel like stuff like that is much more damaging to the gameplay than slightly more visible bullets of the weakest weapons in the game. Or did I misunderstand something?

Have a nice day


On 1/1/2024 at 3:18 AM, Fardin said:

2.) the ag_tshell_nod01 is also not allowed, because it lacks texture? Because for me it does not look like the screenshot you posted (with the white square) but it looks like the one I posted. (To my noob eyes, it does not look like textures are missing)

Yeah it missing e_misslelight.tga/dds file which isnt part of always.dat and in actual ttfs repository also. Maybe u have it locally from different server packages or from different map files. Shaitan mentioned vehicles tracerts are fine.

Also from fds logs it looks like this w3d model was used by u and Uksrene and maybe Fori.


@ExEric3 & @shaitan I see thanks. Yea I've been using all of the above skins for the past few years. The rocket ones (which are not allowed) I had to remove, as I was not able to join the server, but the others always worked. Since the tank tracerts are allowed, can I keep ag_tshell_nod01 in the data folder? because once I remove it, all the others don't work either, as I mentioned before. I don't understand all the details, I'm a super noob lol.

Now regarding the gun tracerts:
Well, I still fail to see how slightly enhancing the visibility of basically the weakest gun in the entire game might give me an unfair advantage, while many other skins that provide far greater advantages are still allowed...
From what I understand, the gun tracerts increase the visibility of the following guns:

1. base inf

2. chaingun

3. apc/buggy/humvee/orca/apache.

3. are vehicles/tanks anyways and allowed. 1. are literally the weakest units of the game, and 2. is rarely ever used...

I mean no disrespect and don't want to be a pest, I'm just trying to understand how that would provide an advantage compared to say, clear scope skins or bright spongebob c4 skins, both of which have far greater impact gameplay wise.


These are approved to use? If so I like these and am interested in installing them.


Stop arguing about it, Fardin. Each post that is what you're doing. I met them halfway on emittors/tracers, but not when it comes to characters. You are not going to be the one(s) dealing with the cheater accusations, I will, and the mods will.

When skins get allowed; they are not just for you, anyone will be able to use them. Where did you get this skin pack? That way we can see where that e_missile file is missing from.

Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, shaitan said:

Stop arguing about it, Fardin. Each post that is what you're doing. I met them halfway on emittors/tracers, but not when it comes to characters. You are not going to be the one(s) dealing with the cheater accusations, I will, and the mods will.

When skins get allowed; they are not just for you, anyone will be able to use them. Where did you get this skin pack? That way we can see where that e_missile file is missing from.

Alright, fair enough. Sorry for "resisting" that much, I was just really hoping that there might be a way to legalize this as I was such a fan of the way this old game could look. But of course, I also understand your position, I can only imagine how annoying stuff like this can be.
Honestly, I don't remember exactly where I got them from, but I think it was from here: 

I think Aprilwar also told me once the name of some of them (i think he had his own tracers made? idk anymore)

EDIT: I just found the original source: https://multiplayerforums.com/files/file/2074-di3-misslesrar/

This is where I originally downloaded it from if I remember correctly.

Edited by Fardin

@Fardin can you see a normal auto rifle shoot from other side of map NO with the tracers you can so its classed as an advantage skin which is not allowed end of he ain't gonna allow it and if you can't play without them try playing the game and getting good at it.

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3 hours ago, Fardin said:

This is where I originally downloaded it from if I remember correctly.

Finally you provided what u needed. In attached zip u have files which are allowed from now except that tracerts for characters soldiers from your first post which are also incomplete.


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2 hours ago, ExEric3 said:

Finally you provided what u needed. In attached zip u have files which are allowed from now except that tracerts for characters soldiers from your first post which are also incomplete.


@ExEric3Great! Thanks a lot! I'm sorry I was a bit confused, as I am a noob regarding skins and the terminology... Thanks for putting in all the effort! <3 Thanks @shaitan as well, allowing at least the tank shells :) and once again apologies for the arguments earlier.

4 hours ago, TheRiddler69 said:

@Fardin can you see a normal auto rifle shoot from other side of map NO with the tracers you can so its classed as an advantage skin which is not allowed end of he ain't gonna allow it and if you can't play without them try playing the game and getting good at it.

@TheRiddler69 broooo did you just create an account to tell me to "git gud"? xDDD  Relax, I already accepted shais decision, I was just trying to convince them by showing my perspective and arguments :) Also I agree with you, the skins do make the bullets more visible across the map. All I was saying was that this supposed advantage is (in my opinion, since it's only relevant for the weakest weapons, as tanks are allowed) not enough if it is compared to other allowed skins, thats all I was saying^^


@Fardin No been playing Renegade since day one I know Shaitan very well and exeric and vultima I know them all round here and Manuel is a toilet brush

  • Haha 1
6 hours ago, TheRiddler69 said:

@Fardin can you see a normal auto rifle shoot from other side of map NO with the tracers you can so its classed as an advantage skin which is not allowed end of he ain't gonna allow it and if you can't play without them try playing the game and getting good at it.

Unless you are woj running ren on Windows ME, everyone can easily see stock projectiles being shot 'across map' within their range.

Some of these tracers/proj skins make a jackshit of difference on whether or not you do 'good'. If anything, they are somewhat of a disadvantage, rendering ur fps slower and shit. c4skins are a different story

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7 hours ago, AprilWar said:

Unless you are woj running ren on Windows ME, everyone can easily see stock projectiles being shot 'across map' within their range.

Some of these tracers/proj skins make a jackshit of difference on whether or not you do 'good'. If anything, they are somewhat of a disadvantage, rendering ur fps slower and shit. c4skins are a different story

Just notice with different net_update_rate on server and on client side you will miss these projectiles + sfps with combination of enabled/disabled vsync + packet loss = desync between u and server.



What NUR is the server using? and whats the max? 300?

3 hours ago, rackz said:

What NUR is the server using? and whats the max? 300?

Using 30. Max is 75.

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