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Been on rene now a couple months had no clue it even existed still. Played heavy years ago on jelly server where i modded jelly serv under el3 or el3ctrica i believe i still recognize a few names like jez636363 gr8bigguy h3adshot and uksrene who was lurker90k when we played tiberian sun. anyone here still play tiberian sun? My gf has been extremely pissed at me playing so much recently. If any of u guys have face book or instagram send me an add names evan good from pittsburg pa my ig is evangood89. I was at one time one of the top players on jelly still pretty good at tiberian sun.

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lol yeah I used to be Lurker back in those days. I use UksRene cos Westwood banned my Lurker aliases lol 😂 

What name did you use on TS ? 


I was nojoker wayyy back in the day didnt get good at ts till later. I played w frzflame a ton i believe his name was matt. I also modded cncgamer fourms back when it was still in use. I would love to see some old jelly server rankings if anyone has any i know some tiberian sun rankings from wol still exist. Both of these games have brought me alot of fun over the years. Ive never played any other games aside from ts and rene never even owned a ps or an xbox.

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1 hour ago, jesuschrist said:

I was nojoker wayyy back in the day didnt get good at ts till later. I played w frzflame a ton i believe his name was matt. I also modded cncgamer fourms back when it was still in use. I would love to see some old jelly server rankings if anyone has any i know some tiberian sun rankings from wol still exist. Both of these games have brought me alot of fun over the years. Ive never played any other games aside from ts and rene never even owned a ps or an xbox.

Frzflame and frzstorm I remember them well im still in touch with Matt crisp 


Hey I've seen you around! Good to have another golden oldy make his return, I enjoy playing with you. 


I want to say frz still plays ts but under the name black and i havent seen him on in a decent amount of time. He always specs too rarely plays.


Game play sure has changed since i stopped playing. When i played it was super tank heavy battles, now it seems people can do alot more solo def alot better sniping. I caught a couple of aprilwars games on youtube thats what brought me back. When i was playing i dont think we had any anti cheats avail big head and hacking was making the game unplayable. Its nice to get on and have a few games where you dont think anyone is cheating.


It's still a tank game. 

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Glad to see you back!


cool, welcome back! it's nice seeing some old school players finding their way to rene again :D!

I also used to play mainly on the jelly servers, maybe you have seen me around back then ^^ (but sorry, I don't seem to remember any el3 or el3ctrica... but I'm sure we played together at some point xD)

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