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How long

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Got banned today for afk.,  How long and why no warning?  

3 hours ago, Saurontwo said:

Got banned today for afk.,  How long and why no warning?  

How you can be banned here when RenCorner is off.

Your last disconnect

[24.02.2024-03:48:04] <RCAOW> [Disconnect] Saurontwo

And shai killed server

[24.02.2024-11:57:52] <shaitan> !stopfds
[24.02.2024-11:57:53] <RCAOW> Lost connection with the SSGM Log Server, resetting socket...



I qkick'ed you on birthday server for afk. A qkick does not ban you. I saw you were rifle shooting at the pt. The birthday server is not hosted by rencorner. 

If you are banned then this is by someone else for a similar reason. 

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