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I was just casually sniping people as i do, ended up murdering ExEric3 just once, and suddenly barely if any shots would register. Obviously his doing abusing the plastic bullets stuff on me. This also happened to @AprilWar we both have the proof of it happening also after killing ExEric3. Letting him getting away with abusing blatant cheats is one, but now he is also abusing his powers to grief legit players in killing his shit. Imagine if he did this to anyone that would be able to hit him while he moves like an utter bot. Sad that ren has come to this, countless of videos i sent to the staff in the past with CLEAR evidence of his triggerbot. Wake up @shaitan and fuck you @ExEric3 



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AprilWar didn't already rage quit? All what Im see is how u abuse in game glitches.

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I wasnt going to post bc I gave up on clowns long time ago... but honestly lol this has to be one of the biggest mod abuse cases in modern ren history. 

Yes he has done this shit before when he 'thinks' someone is abusing or hacking. I can't confirm its ExEric3, but it certainly is someone high up who knows about plastic bullets. It's kind of an obscure feat, and tho I'm not exactly sure how it works, it is extremely suspicious how suddenly shots stop registering. However, I am 99% certain it is he. 

Let's look at the facts:

1) It has happened before while he is ingame and in the opposite team. (Time stamp 8:20:20). To his credit, he lifted it like the next day.

2) It only happens to players who are able to get the craziest kill streaks. (Not chance)

3) He himself would be absolutely unable to produce kick-ass footage and til this day there are no videos where he's pwning nowhere close to how he used to ingame.

4) He claims these players abuse exploits, but there is no evidence of cheats or glitching.

5) Only he has been around w/ enough powers to implement that feat after magically being promoted to server admin overnight for obscure reasons (cough* monthly 100 USD payments cough*). Sure, he setup a sniper server with wonky teleport mechanics - which til date remains empty, but after his proven track record of cheating ingame with triggerbot it's still not the best PR decision.

7) It only while he is ingame and he's being affected by other people's skills. Plus he didn't deny it im his response? XD



@Pumadon't get your hopes up - watch this post remain ignored btw

Edited by AprilWar
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That command is usually used for non-scripts users, because it does produce some weird effects on users.

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Hi Puma,

So, using 0.25x speed from that footage it looks like you only hit him "plastically" in the first video at circa 0:28 in the head. The second video is all misses (starting at 2:05). Although as a sidenote you also hit Assault plastically at 0:13 in the second video - evidence that this is likely a game bug rather than abuse.

From my experience on the matrix sniping server (vastly inferior hosting server to Rencorner, so accentuates my point because of the sheer frequency of plastic hits), if the network is not great people can hit you loads and, presumably this is the cause, many packets are lost in translation and hits do not register.

I don't have much networking experience, but I have a ton of problem-solving experience and this does not purport as evidence of cheating to me.

Thank you for posting the videos; we will treat anything posted impartially and if you have anything suspicious in the future please let us see.

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4 hours ago, ExEric3 said:

AprilWar didn't already rage quit? All what Im see is how u abuse in game glitches.

You know what you were doing "all what im see is how u abuse in game glitches" kindly point out what i was doing that is not allowed. I am curious. Your respond is so fucked up too. Are you really this much of a dickhead to ruin the game like this for people? I quit the game before because your triggerbotting was making the experience -100. And now you want to grief me like a child. I would gladly replace the 100 monthly donation so you can get the banhammer because that's what you deserve. I seen moderators get demoted for less. This is disgusting behavior. I know you're triggerbotting and so many "good" players do. We all say it, now i'm even more sure someone that's capable of abusing shit like this to give THEM the upperhand just sad. I hope the admins in this server have any respect for the legit players and get rid of this abusing / cheating monster.


1 hour ago, Goonhaven said:

Hi Puma,

So, using 0.25x speed from that footage it looks like you only hit him "plastically" in the first video at circa 0:28 in the head. The second video is all misses (starting at 2:05). Although as a sidenote you also hit Assault plastically at 0:13 in the second video - evidence that this is likely a game bug rather than abuse.

From my experience on the matrix sniping server (vastly inferior hosting server to Rencorner, so accentuates my point because of the sheer frequency of plastic hits), if the network is not great people can hit you loads and, presumably this is the cause, many packets are lost in translation and hits do not register.

I don't have much networking experience, but I have a ton of problem-solving experience and this does not purport as evidence of cheating to me.

Thank you for posting the videos; we will treat anything posted impartially and if you have anything suspicious in the future please let us see.

April has even more clear evidence in his post. I did want to edit the parts where it was blatant and record for longer. But i could not stand this abusing shitlord any longer.


2 hours ago, AprilWar said:


@Pumadon't get your hopes up - watch this post remain ignored btw

All i hope is that they can look past the shitty donations and see the problem, they have banned people without proof (clint_eastwood) (Kard) and probably many others, everyone has provided some sort of proof about ExEric in the past, in my opinion the best renegade players have accused him of cheating, WE all had to proof that we're legit with footage etc and what does he do. Just so disappointed dude. Such a good look on the name Rencorner.

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