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Staff Reapplication

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What is your first name? Evander

What is your age? (The older you are, the higher standard we will uphold you and your application to) 16

What is your main language? Filipino

What other languages are you completely fluent in? (If any) Cebuano, English

What is your main character’s in-game name? DoomPaladin

How often do you play and how long have you been on our servers? [Note, this is a two part question; you may use /age for the second part]. (We will also check to see how long your oldest account has been on the server for). I play daily, I've been playing for a month.


What platform do you play Terraria on? (Mobile, PC, etc). Mobile


Do you have any experience/history with moderating and/or administrating Terraria servers? If so, please describe your experience in detail. Yes, in an friends server.


What is your understanding of the responsibilities of Helper AND TempMod? Please answer with regards to both positions, even if you are only applying for one. Helper is someone who helps or answers the questions of players new in server, tempmod does that but have higher authority


How long have you been playing Terraria? Since what version of the game? Been playing for 3 years


Have you ever been banned or punished on a server before (including ours)? If so, why? (Being honest here may serve to benefit your chances at staff). I was once banned in a specific server.


What would you say to a player who is asking how to get free items? Do /warp qc.


What would you say to a player who is asking what is there to do on the server? Apply for VIP for more house commands.


What are some perks VIPs have that Defaults do not? (List as many as possible!) Custom weapons, more authority.


What are some differences between each VIP Class? (Melee, Magic, Ranger) (List as many as possible!) Melee for tanks and close range, magic for magic weapons, ranger for guns and bows.


At what rank number does VIP turn into "VIP+"? Which three ranks would these be? (Please provide the names of the ranks). 20+ assassin, rouge, vandal (for melee)


What permissions do "VIP+" have over standard VIPs? (List as many as possible!) More perks.


Imagine a new player joins the RenCorner Network discord. They ask you how to link their discord account with their in-game RenCorner Terraria server account. Please provide the steps necessary to complete the linking process as if you were talking directly to this new member. You may give them an imaginary name if you'd like. Ask Botscipile in discord or any admin.


Name four of our server rules and explain why they're important. 

No cheating: unfairness; they're important for making things fair

No godmode: obvious; unfair

No griefing: to avoid making someone mad, to avoid being kicked out

Don't disrespect staff: it'll make you unable to play in the server



What would you do if there was a situation you could not handle? Ask someone higher in Rank.


Your best friend joins our server and begins hacking. What do you do? Ban him, even if his my friend, I'm loyal to the server.


Another player you dislike says something that bothers or annoys you. How do you react? I'll do nothing.


What would you say is your biggest strength? Your greatest weakness? I'm calm and collected. I'm sometimes moody when I'm playing.


A man’s wife is very sick and needs special medicine to survive. The only pharmacy to have the medicine is charging a ridiculously high price for it, which the man cannot afford. Is it okay for the man to steal the medicine? Why or why not? I'm a Christian and stealing is a no no even if your wife is sick.


Why do you want a staff position here at RenCorner? I want to experience and grow as a human and experience organizing things.


What sets you apart from other players and staff applicants? Answer in at least 3-4 sentences. (We will count). I am calm and collected. I'm an educated student. I can do complicated things.


What is your discord tag/handle? [Ex: Username#1234]. Please note that Discord and/or IRC are required for this position, as we must be able to communicate with you outside of the game. DoomIncarnate


Is there anything you’d like to tell us about yourself (or anything important you think we should know)? Hmm.. this is my second application, Im shocked for the response that my application was using ai. I'm a 16 yo student so I answer questions perfectly and  correctly. Doesn't mean my answer was correct doesn't mean it's ai. Well I can't do nothing about it. I hope I get accepted. Not that I'm begging. Btw I was too lazy with the answers because if I answer them properly again thatll make my application invalid again. Thanks.


Hello DoomPaladin
We cannot take your application as it doesn't follow the correct format (numbers before the questions). Please update your application to fix that.

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