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application for JoMW1998 trusted rank (accepted 2/18/25)

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Your first name: Jo
Your in game name: JoMW1998 may change it soon
Your age is? 26
Where you are from? Australia
How long you have been playing Minecraft? since middle of july 2010
Was our server recommended by a friend? if so, who? not really
If not, how did you find Rencorner (Name of server list?) someone sent an ip on another server
Do you play any other Rencorner games (ie  terraria)?  nope
Are you using Java, Bedrock, Xbox, Switch to join? I am using java edition

  • Joetorp changed the title to application for JoMW1998 trusted rank

Welcome to Rencorner Minecraft, Jo. Your application has been accepted.  Please respect our rules!  Please vote for our server in-game using /voteall. Please respect our rules!  We are glad you came here to play, enjoy your stay!

  • Joetorp changed the title to application for JoMW1998 trusted rank (accepted 2/18/25)

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