BioPrince Posted August 10, 2012 Posted August 10, 2012 This issue has got out of hand and needs to be addressed to the entire rencorner community i remember when i joined this community animoski said it was a transparent community and that everyone could find out what was going on after agent was made head admin this policy was shredded and sneaking around peoples backs and hiding back doors in the server were created. the rencorner community has a right to know that agent has been stripped of all authority as of 06 August 2012 - 04:31 PM agreed upon by the majority of all staff members but was not fully enforced his removal of power lasted for a day! he was removed from staff because of backstabbing, cheating, and not being a team player. he has the knowledge to help the community but his priority is to himself is a detriment to the rencorner community he can help by: help manage minecraft: database, ftp, permission, and configs for plugins. help manage teamspeak: permissions, groups, other things i dont even know about help manage the forum: groups, permissions, other things i dont even know about help manage renegade: write scripts, edit scripts written by other people (RnD) and other stuff i dont even know about help manage IRC: write script, update bot he demanded power in minecraft after playing a week. he was warned about his actions on minecraft and was removed from in game power by animoski and used a backdoor with the ircbot to add himself back to power within the game. when told "BioPrince told you not to do that" he said bioprince he isnt here he cheated in game for a week straight because i was not there to tell him not to 1) Cheating in game: [iNFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] Agent001: /weather sun [iNFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] Agent001: /fly ‘*’ (27) [iNFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] Agent001: /feed ‘*’ (36) [iNFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] Agent001: /heal ‘*’ (40) [iNFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] Agent001: /gm ‘*’ (25) [iNFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] Agent001: /give ‘*’ (51) [iNFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] Agent001: /more ‘*’ (12) [iNFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] Agent001: /top ‘*’ (37) [iNFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] Agent001: /repair ‘*’ (6) total commands used by Agent001 in 1 week (421) total cheats used by Agent001 in 1 week 234 55.6% of commands used by Agent001 during the week of July 29th to August 4th were cheats agent's demand for power is getting in the way of himself he is only hurting himself in this situation he can be very beneficial to this community as the head of rencorner development but by demanding power for his service is not something any server needs If you have an opinion please feel free to post it with out recourse! (no punishment for any comments you make) your right to speak out will be protected and your post will not be deleted. 2
BioPrince Posted August 10, 2012 Author Posted August 10, 2012 my opinion is that agent be moved to "Head Developer" to help the community behind the scenes. i would like for agent to stay in a helper aspect, so that he can help animoski with server script and take the load off of him. i would like agent to remove himself from power in all games and just play like normal people do. just because you can doesn't mean you should. you are a role model to this community and your actions have tarnished the rencorner name. please help this community and stay as Developer.
RnD Posted August 10, 2012 Posted August 10, 2012 I agree with the said statements above, and I will now voice my own opinion, we are here, as what should be a unified, and functional community, staff and members alike, and as for the staff, we are here to do our jobs, do it properly and I strongly emphasize that we are role models, we are here to do our job, in a professional, respectful manner, I do not believe that Agent has upheld his commitment to the public, and to his duty's, he has been aggressive/abrasive and I believe how he acts, interferes with his potential, in short, I would like to see Agent's authoritative powers removed and remain on, as a Technical/Developer. ~ R n D ~
Guest Animoski Posted August 10, 2012 Posted August 10, 2012 He's not going to be content with anything less than Head Admin
RnD Posted August 10, 2012 Posted August 10, 2012 And what kind of message does that send Animoski? If he is unwilling to accept not having power, then how is that a role model we want to show to the public/community?
Joetorp Posted August 10, 2012 Posted August 10, 2012 It sounds to me like he is on an ego trip as he knows we need help and thinks no one will take serious action for that reason! How old (or young) is he? I have to say from what Bio said, this person should be removed from the community, server password changed, his ip, serial and hash banned. We are a new community, in need of someone with his talents, HOWEVER, why keep him at any staff position if you can't trust him? This community will continue on with or without him! It may be things that need to be done, don't get done as quickly. We do not need a person that has no respect for the community, coming around, much less being in a position of power. I want him to address these accusations in a forum environment soon, as this is very serious. I would like to read what he has to say to justify the actions he is accused of. Appeasement is not the correct form of action, banishment is. Let him go somewhere else and create havoc (pun). Joe
Good-One-Driver Posted August 10, 2012 Posted August 10, 2012 I think he is doing a fantastic job and should stay with all his powers.
Guest Agent001 Posted August 10, 2012 Posted August 10, 2012 The commands which BioPrince claims are "cheats" have, for the majority, been used for entirely legitimate purposes in order to ensure that I am able to monitor malicious players with ease, and so that I can then proceed to reimburse players who have wrongly lost possessions. What BioPrince has failed to mention, is that the majority of these commands were used in combination with other commands for the purpose as mentioned. In example, I would commonly use the "fly" command in combination with the "vanish" command so that I could watch a player which I suspected; if they then decided to destroy other people's properties, I could then proceed to use the "give" and other various commands in order to restore lost or vandalized property back to the player. The most bizarre command which BioPrince claims to be a cheat, is the "top" command, which was introducted to me by BioPrince himself in order to get out of walls that you may occasionally spawn in as the result of a glitch, which BioPrince has been well aware of for a significant amount of time, but instead of addressing legitimate issues, he finds that his time would be better spent with personal attacks against me. It is also noteworthy that BioPrince has failed to uphold many of his responsibilities, resulting in myself having to proceed and fulfill his duties, such as updating the Minecraft server in a timely manner. In addition to the fact that I've had to do server management due to BioPrince's incapability of doing so, I've also had to do many in-game actions against malicious players so that our players do not have to watch as their property is destroyed, because at times there is no active staff member online. Therefore, it is logical that if I am the only one capable of moderating the server at certain times (which happen quite frequently), then it is only right for me to step-in and manage the situation. I generally handle these matters in such a way that I may have to use various commands to persuade a user to not harass other users, as an alternative to banning the player (which is considered the correct method by BioPrince), such that we do not lose players for simple misunderstandings or misbehavior. Without the ability to moderate users myself, players would become frustrated with the lack of staff interference, and quit playing, in addition to certain users being banned for malicious activity that they may not even be aware is prohibited. What I believe is truly the issue at heart is that BioPrince is unwilling to accept the fact that he has superiors other than Animoski within the Minecraft server, and so he's trying to elevate his position by accusing other staff members of being "power hungry", when in-fact, his actions appear to only satisfy his own needs. BioPrince has made it clear that he views himself as simply better than any user or staff member in RenCorner, as evidenced by when he registered a second account on the forum purely for the purpose of voting on a public opinion poll so that he could elevate his opinion above all other people's; he then proceeded to register a third account for the same purpose, but never proceeded to duplicate his vote again because I had already delete the first duplicated account and confronted him about it, at which point he denied the accusation, meaning he has lied to RenCorner staff already so that he does not have to confront the consequences for his actions. In addition, he has also been an issue on the TeamSpeak server by kicking other administrators from the server, which resulting in his TeamSpeak permissions being reduced such that he would still be able to help moderate the TeamSpeak server, but not abuse his powers against staff members. Finally, BioPrince has seized the property of banned players for his own use, instead of erasing the property as it should, which I've not mentioned until now because unlike BioPrince, I prefer handling things quickly and quietly, without any dramatic topics and polls and the such. A general synopsis of what I said would consist of a few points: 1) Most of the commands mentioned as "cheats" were used as, and in combination with, moderating tools. 2) BioPrince has failed to administrate the Minecraft server, by not keeping the server and its plugins up-to-date 3) BioPrince has failed to attract a significant number of players to the RenCorner forums, Teamspeak server, IRC server, and to the Minecraft server itself. 4) BioPrince has wrongly seized property of banned players in-game purely for his own benefit, instead of disposing of the items 5) BioPrince has wrongly destroyed player's property within the Minecraft server, such as my own 6) BioPrince has abused his powers in not only the Minecraft server as mentioned above, but also in the TeamSpeak server and the forums 7) BioPrince's agenda likely consists of elevating his own power at the expense of others, such as myself 8) There are some details in the above thread that would be considered libel, and I am therefore offended. 1
Jd123123 Posted August 10, 2012 Posted August 10, 2012 He's not going to be content with anything less than Head AdminYou just defined the term "power hungry" 1
dronez4 Posted August 10, 2012 Posted August 10, 2012 i think this did kinda go outa hand, i want everything back how it was cause u know what? Fuck permissions.. it doesnt do much and doesnt last forever.. im in a weird mode right now, lets just say alot of shit has been happening, anyway ok agent has done some stuff, and there is concenquences for everything but hey? how about we do this? we all buckle up a little bit, get abit more formal.. and atchually run it without arguements because its just not worth the hassle.. i have had plenty of community arguements and its all gone down with a strike.. 4 people ATLEAST.. have left from that community or been banned.. this community is atchually getting somewhere from now on i want us to atchually INFORM eachother what the hell we are doing.. or keep it in a notebook in the damn bot for recent updates.. i know thats 1 of the problems.., now.. minecraft.. i dont think any of u should be using commands that are benefitial for u.. but for the server.. the server can be updated within the server.. sure.. with commands if u want but hey GOD DAMN IT inform eachother.. bioprince/agent u 2 need to make up.. and so does the whole other part of this community, otherwise its gonna fall apart.. i can garuntee it.. no 1 is going anywhere but changes are gonna happen.. and people need to be noticed, please hence what i am saying cause this is coming deeply from my heart.. i love all of u guys and i want u guys to be freakin as friendly as possible so nobody gets mentally harmed in any way.. well i mean come on guys? were on teamspeak all the time u could atleast notify what ur changing.. and also, agent sure ur a nice guy but u need to buckle up a little bit.. and so do many others in rencorner including me... guys.. be happy.. wont last long before life is gone..
Jd123123 Posted August 10, 2012 Posted August 10, 2012 i think this did kinda go outa hand, i want everything back how it was cause u know what? Fuck permissions.. it doesnt do much and doesnt last forever.. im in a weird mode right now, lets just say alot of shit has been happening, anyway ok agent has done some stuff, and there is concenquences for everything but hey? how about we do this? we all buckle up a little bit, get abit more formal.. and atchually run it without arguements because its just not worth the hassle.. i have had plenty of community arguements and its all gone down with a strike.. 4 people ATLEAST.. have left from that community or been banned.. this community is atchually getting somewhere from now on i want us to atchually INFORM eachother what the hell we are doing.. or keep it in a notebook in the damn bot for recent updates.. i know thats 1 of the problems.., now.. minecraft.. i dont think any of u should be using commands that are benefitial for u.. but for the server.. the server can be updated within the server.. sure.. with commands if u want but hey GOD DAMN IT inform eachother.. bioprince/agent u 2 need to make up.. and so does the whole other part of this community, otherwise its gonna fall apart.. i can garuntee it.. no 1 is going anywhere but changes are gonna happen.. and people need to be noticed, please hence what i am saying cause this is coming deeply from my heart.. i love all of u guys and i want u guys to be freakin as friendly as possible so nobody gets mentally harmed in any way.. well i mean come on guys? were on teamspeak all the time u could atleast notify what ur changing.. and also, agent sure ur a nice guy but u need to buckle up a little bit.. and so do many others in rencorner including me... guys.. be happy.. wont last long before life is gone.. im curious... are you high????
Guest Agent001 Posted August 10, 2012 Posted August 10, 2012 im curious... are you high???? I think this is precisely what dronez is tired of, JD.
Guest Agent001 Posted August 11, 2012 Posted August 11, 2012 I know, but he was trying to make a serious point; it wasn't really the place to make a joke.
jks101 Posted August 11, 2012 Posted August 11, 2012 Yes, No offense to Agent or anything...But he is the type to abuse and demand for power. If he doesn't receive what he wants, he doesn't like that. My opinion is the shun him from all the commands atm. Then when he learns his mistake, give him the status of "Developer" but access to only a few commands and not entirely what's in the console... Or take off his status, and make him re apply like a regular mod and work his way up as an admin. MAJOR EDIT: I saw this post about 4 hours ago...while I was making a reply and never got to read the posts. I have talked to him and it seems like he might have learned his lesson...I believe you should give him another chance here, everyone does deserve 2, right? Try to acually talk to him and befriend him. It releases alot of stress. p.s. Don't we all abuse? As in a light amount abuse. It wasn't like Agent banned someone? 1
BioPrince Posted August 11, 2012 Author Posted August 11, 2012 1) Most of the commands mentioned as "cheats" were used as, and in combination with, moderating tools. so 100 cheats are better than 234 cheats OK?!? 2) BioPrince has failed to administrate the Minecraft server, by not keeping the server and its plugins up-to-date the last plugin update yesterday. i made a test server (as not to corrupt the world map) which was a possibility of your hasty actions 3) BioPrince has failed to attract a significant number of players to the RenCorner forums, Teamspeak server, IRC server, and to the Minecraft server itself. i added rencorner to the top 4 minecraft advertising sites. you haven't added 1 (and you only voted once!! animoski has voted over 20 times on all the sites combined) 4) BioPrince has wrongly seized property of banned players in-game purely for his own benefit, instead of disposing of the items of the 5 servers i have visited in my 6 months of playing, admins give all property of the griefer spread out among all victims (which i split with memo12memo12) 5) BioPrince has wrongly destroyed player's property within the Minecraft server, such as my own ONLY YOURS! you had over 20 protected areas including 11 in the nether. 100X100 protected areas in a world that is 400X400 (HIGHEST RANKED PLAYERS ARE ALLOWED 4 PROTECTION STONES) 6) BioPrince has abused his powers in not only the Minecraft server as mentioned above, but also in the TeamSpeak server and the forums I have removed only cheaters from the minecraft server along with kicking them from the teamspeak. the forums was a stress induced mistake and i admitted to animoski my wrong doing. 7) BioPrince's agenda likely consists of elevating his own power at the expense of others, such as myself nope. that's pretty much only you at this point. remember when you felt threatened, you removed all my power on teamspeak and banned me? (after i kicked you for cheating and not listening to an admin) 8) There are some details in the above thread that would be considered libel, and I am therefore offended. all information posted above was agreed upon by all present staff.... i could post your wrong doings in full if you like. i am tired of cheaters, i am tired of bullshitters that say "that argument is irrelevant" i am sick and tired of rencorner trying to be taken over by a person that couldn't manage his own community. the 8 lines of bullshit you posted wont get you any sympathy. mostly because its false bullshit. your arrogance sickens me! i offered to let you stay as Head Developer, because that is what you are good at. but your hunger for power can't be stopped. this community is made up of people that put the community before themselves. yourself excluded I'm sorry that you haven't learned anything from this situation. i wish you luck on your future endeavours. BioPrince C.E.O. Minecraft
Guest Agent001 Posted August 11, 2012 Posted August 11, 2012 1) Most of the commands mentioned as "cheats" were used as, and in combination with, moderating tools. so 100 cheats are better than 234 cheats OK?!? 2) BioPrince has failed to administrate the Minecraft server, by not keeping the server and its plugins up-to-date the last plugin update yesterday. i made a test server (as not to corrupt the world map) which was a possibility of your hasty actions 3) BioPrince has failed to attract a significant number of players to the RenCorner forums, Teamspeak server, IRC server, and to the Minecraft server itself. i added rencorner to the top 4 minecraft advertising sites. you haven't added 1 (and you only voted once!! animoski has voted over 20 times on all the sites combined) 4) BioPrince has wrongly seized property of banned players in-game purely for his own benefit, instead of disposing of the items of the 5 servers i have visited in my 6 months of playing, admins give all property of the griefer spread out among all victims (which i split with memo12memo12) 5) BioPrince has wrongly destroyed player's property within the Minecraft server, such as my own ONLY YOURS! you had over 20 protected areas including 11 in the nether. 100X100 protected areas in a world that is 400X400 (HIGHEST RANKED PLAYERS ARE ALLOWED 4 PROTECTION STONES) 6) BioPrince has abused his powers in not only the Minecraft server as mentioned above, but also in the TeamSpeak server and the forums I have removed only cheaters from the minecraft server along with kicking them from the teamspeak. the forums was a stress induced mistake and i admitted to animoski my wrong doing. 7) BioPrince's agenda likely consists of elevating his own power at the expense of others, such as myself nope. that's pretty much only you at this point. remember when you felt threatened, you removed all my power on teamspeak and banned me? (after i kicked you for cheating and not listening to an admin) 8) There are some details in the above thread that would be considered libel, and I am therefore offended. all information posted above was agreed upon by all present staff.... i could post your wrong doings in full if you like. i am tired of cheaters, i am tired of bullshitters that say "that argument is irrelevant" i am sick and tired of rencorner trying to be taken over by a person that couldn't manage his own community. the 8 lines of bullshit you posted wont get you any sympathy. mostly because its false bullshit. your arrogance sickens me! i offered to let you stay as Head Developer, because that is what you are good at. but your hunger for power can't be stopped. this community is made up of people that put the community before themselves. yourself excluded I'm sorry that you haven't learned anything from this situation. i wish you luck on your future endeavours. BioPrince C.E.O. Minecraft 2) I made a test server, tested and updated any plugins which needed so, and updated the server within an hour. It would've taken you far longer, simply because you're so slow about things such as this. Haste is good. 3) It's not my responsibility to advertise; I'm terrible at advertising. I've voted far more times than once, even if I don't vote as much as Animoski due to forgetfulness. The point being here, you've still failed to attract a sufficient number of players. 4) So? "Everybody does it" doesn't make it right. 5) You didn't even ask what some of those were for, and you didn't so much as inform me. You also went through my "home" list and deleted all of them. That's simply abuse. 6) You're not supposed to kick people from the TeamSpeak server, regardless of whether they cheated in-game or not. 7) You kicked me because I disagreed with you; there wasn't any talk of "cheating" at that time. You can't just kick people for voicing their opinion; that's oppression. 8) It's entirely untrue. You say I failed to manage my own community? While I admit it never became large, it wasn't due to management, but rather a lack of resources. It did last over 3 years, and I dedicated insane amounts of time to it. What have you done? It's a community you knew nothing about, and shouldn't have even tried to mention. On an unrelated note, that "C.E.O. Minecraft" thing that you type at the end of your posts just makes you look silly.
Wyld1 Posted August 11, 2012 Posted August 11, 2012 Let's isolate this to the two subjects: (correct me if I am wrong) (1) Improper use of commands (2) Conduct toward a fellow staff member. My recommendation for (1), Agent says he is not doing what BioPrince states. BioPrince is not convinced. So we draw a line, the past is the past because Ani has talked to all parties I believe twice. Agent you or any MC mod uses a command, they need to post it in the private section immediately with the reason. If they do not post and no excuses can be accepted, they are suspended all privileges revoked. So think carefully before you use a command or forget to post it. This would solve the issues for now and make all accountable. I also only offer this solution because BioPrince feels Agent still has value. My recommendation for (2) I think this will be solved with (1) working out. Otherwise, this is the internet. You two get in a TS channel and work it out for the good of the community. Wyld
Good-One-Driver Posted August 11, 2012 Posted August 11, 2012 Anyway Animoski already spoken I don't know why you keep going.
D4rX Posted August 11, 2012 Posted August 11, 2012 Worst mistake is to handle this in public imo. You give everyone the chance to throw fuel on the fire. This is not done. Stuff like this should be handled discretely and in a private section.
RnD Posted August 11, 2012 Posted August 11, 2012 Darkz, I stand in opposition of it being handled in private honestly, we tried that when Agent was punished the first time and instead of it being sought through, Agent was given his power back in one day, that sends a terrible message about RenCorner and whats more, it's staff, secondly, Dronez, this is not a he said, she said fist fight, this is members and staff of a community speaking out about a man who by himself is actually a nice guy, but with power, he is dangerous and infectious, and I for one feel that Agent's true potential is not with power but with ability, have him be our developer, but based on what he has done, what we have seen, HE DOES NOT NEED POWER. Secondly Dronez, while it would be nice if the world worked that way, we could all just make up and everything would work great, the world does NOT work that way, and believe me, I do not in any way like seeing or find professional, in-fighting between staff, but my larger point stands, this is not so much a disagreement between Staff as it is Members and Staff in the community taking a stand against a wrong-doing that was not resolved the first time, in a DISCREET SETTING. ~ R n D ~
Guest Agent001 Posted August 11, 2012 Posted August 11, 2012 In all honesty, RnD, I think you've been talking to BioPrince a bit too much. I'm still fairly confident that the majority of the conflict is between myself and BioPrince, he's just good at making it sound like everybody agrees with him. As for whether or not I think it was right to bring this topic to the public eye, my opinion is swaying back and forth; on one hand, there are more opinions spoken, and on the other it has a potential to be a bit more of an issue.
Wyld1 Posted August 11, 2012 Posted August 11, 2012 Anyway Animoski already spoken I don't know why you keep going. He asked me to post my solution late last night. I also talked to Agent about it as well with Ani there.
RnD Posted August 11, 2012 Posted August 11, 2012 And what is this so called solution since it does not seem like there actually is one.
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