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Site/IRC Not Working?

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Whomever is getting any type of error for the forums or IRC please post here in as much detail as possible.

I haven't been a victim of any said errors so far, but Volcom mentioned it to me and I will be looking into it over the next few days (work and exams in the way).

Sorry for the inconvenience!

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I'm not sure what info you need, but i am a victim, usually give up and wait an hour or so to get back on. Irc tries a few times before successfully joining, that is an improvement, couldn't get on all morning yesterday. I think the host does not appreciate my awesome latency and bandwidth



How are you joining IRC? With the IP or the irc.rencorner.ca?


I am using Irc.rencorner.ca.


The problem is with the domain rencorner.ca. It will just flat-out not resolve sometimes. I have done everything I can on my end (clear cache/flushdns etc). If you're patient and refresh a bunch of times the domain will finally resolve but until then you won't get on the forums/irc.


I'm using the direct IPs for ts/IRC and if you use the IP for the forum you can then use rencorner.ca and it will be fine.


Still annoying though.


Volcom says he's going to get .co.uk for you guys.

However I have an alternative solution as well I will be putting into effect this afternoon that should fix the issue.


I switched to google's dns servers and I stopped getting domain name issues


.co.uk would be a lot better, irc works fine for me as of late, although the .ca shows server unavaliable more times than anything else. Also I can do quite a bit of HTML if you need a hand just PM me


We have .co.uk and .co, I will forward the details to Volcom again later.

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You can now use Rencorner.CO.UK, Rencorner.co, and Recorner.info. You can also use these domains for teamspeak, irc, and minecraft.

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