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my intro to rencorner

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Hello I am Airwolf777 and I am new to the Rencorner server. I have been playing minecraft for a while now and I have recently started my own youtube channel Airwolf777gaming (having mic issues right now so not much is up) and I am part of a youtube community called Widelanders Gaming.




Welcome to RenCorner! We got bunch of people playing minecraft here. Perhaps you can stop by in our minecraft server and play some games with them as I don't play that game :P


Join us on teamspeak and mIRC (if you haven't already)! 


TS: ts.rencorner.co

IRC: irc.rencorner.co


Hope you have fun here!





Hey airwolf7777! Welcome to the rencorner community :P im pooponu (sorry if the names offensive ill change it if need be) hopefully we'll see each other in gameplay sometime! ;)


Welcome to RenCorner.


Welcome sir airwolf. :v


Welcome to the forums side, if you ever need anything or need me for any of your videos just drop me a pm!


HIIIIIIII :D welcome to our forums and RenCorner :) enjoy your time here :D


Bonjour Airwolf, enjóy ŷôûr štáŷ hêrē. :)


Welcome to Rencorner.

It's our pleasure to have you here!


Everyone give a warm welcome! This is a very nice guy I play with in Widelanders Gaming!

Glad you finally made the formal intro.


hey everyone thanks for the warm welcome and I hope to see you all in game

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