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Believe In aliens?

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Hey guys, Honestly, if you have something negative to say.. dont bother.


This is one of my brothers songs..


If you dont like it, Then dont listen..


But here anyway.






My Dad was born in london and was treated really bad as a child and grew up with a cockney and flash attitude at his young life, and decided as he had children that he would make something of it.


My brother was born in london in 1993, hes 20 years old now and Made this quite a while ago, He was brought up roughly and decided to make something of his career in music..



If you think this is too 'Pussy' for you guys out there.. then take a look at this


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youre brother is really talented Dronez sign him up for whatever you have in Britain make him win :D

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3rd one is awesome, and you're brother is really talented :P 

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I like the 3rd one but the 2nd had the word pyramids in it so I like both lol tell you bro GJ and give him a hug :D


Thank you, moderator or administrator, for removing my 'negative' question.  :huh:


Thread title; Believe in aliens? Question; Do you? 


Thanks guys.



Umm, Your post wasnt removed, it wasnt even created, I Looked at admin logs, none of your content was removed.


As for aliens? Yeah i do believe at an extent there is more than enough evidence that there are aliens out there.


If we adapted, Why can't nothing else adapt? right?


Weird. Since two other posts were removed, I thought mine was taken down as well. My mistake I guess. 

On the other hand, I do have some issues with the forum. Not everything is working in the way it should, for me. Especially when it comes to logging in. 


You are right. But I am still curious to that evidence that you are talking about that makes you believe in it. Any source that you can inform me about? (Video, book, documentary, etc) 


Jquo, use the domain Rencorner.co and that will fix the login problem.


Weird. Since two other posts were removed, I thought mine was taken down as well. My mistake I guess. 

On the other hand, I do have some issues with the forum. Not everything is working in the way it should, for me. Especially when it comes to logging in. 


You are right. But I am still curious to that evidence that you are talking about that makes you believe in it. Any source that you can inform me about? (Video, book, documentary, etc) 


'Above Top Secret' by Timothy Good.

  • Like 2

Mine was removed too along with a troll post. Gg


There has to be something out there. Intelligent or not. Cant say for sure!


I apologize in advance for the double post but this had to be put here.


Also Good songs. I enjoyed them.



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