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IRC in college

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I Can't seem to get on a Normal IRC Client and connect to RenCorner, It seems to me like port 6667 is blocked in college


The only thing I can actually use is mibbit, It's really annoying, There isn't many ways to connect either, I tried using different IRC Clients and connecting through ssl ports aswell, The Connection isn't having it, But I don't see how mibbit can connect and an IRC Client cant?


*** Notice -- Client connecting on port 6667: dronez4test (c13f3de2@ircip3.mibbit.com) [clients]


"port 6667"


Kinda makes me wonder really.


Anybody reckon they can solve this? connectivity is not my category.


Need a lil help here


Open socket connections are blocked at schools and colleges (normally) Alternate ports don't work to solve the problem, try using a proxy (www.badgermug.com) that's the only thing that works at my school.


Hmmmm yeah, just the case of doing it, is the problem


They blocked all security.proxies? Then you would be better off using your phone as a wifi-hotspot and connecting to it via your phone


hmmm idk dude, i still need to get it portable, Really annoying that i can't download it either..



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