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I just read this article:




I have to say owning a business and managing at Honda and even here at Rencorner, this article is 100% right. People come into interviews expecting they will get the job. Even afterwards the younger associates at Honda rarely take responsibility for the things they have done wrong. It is seen in Rencorner when they 10 or 11 year old's come on with no respect for the admins or mods, constantly breaking the rules, then a few days later ask to become a mod. It is sad to think that these kids actually think like this. Like things should just be handed to them and the need not work for it. I am not saying a had a really difficult childhood, by all means I was probably one of the more fortunate ones, but my parents did teach me the value of a dollar, the difference between right and wrong, and they taught me how to work hard to achieve goals. I hope parents or soon to be parents read that article and make a change for the better because I do not want to see what the world will look like in 20 years if these are the people that will be running the world.

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Good article!  Right now, in the USA, we have over the past 5 years, a president who seems to think it's ok for people to get benefits from the gov't, whether it be unemployment compensation, food stamps, welfare, disability, student loans or whatever,  To top that, our liberty has been under assault for decades by the left, this is led by political correctness, the femminization of males (starting in grade school), have you seen the No-No commercials (Men shaving their body hair)?  The notion that we all are special and competition doesn't exist in real life(some schools and colleges don't give out grades so they won't offend the lazy).  The movement to secularize our country by atheists.  It is no wonder about the confusion we as a society face.  Why work, when you can make upwards of $17/hr on gov't benefits.


With regard to the young being born into a society that has all the amenities in place (ie instant communications, microwave ovens, flat screen (and huge) tv's, the best sounds available and so on and on and on, not having to work to find any info out there, (ie computers, tablets, smartphones) means no effort is put forth.  Youngins put their whole life online without thinking of the consequences, some things in your life should be private or shared with very close friends.

Just my opinion...


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Very good article !!!  I really liked the part where it says that kids shouldn't expect to be treated special unless they earn it , and that kids should be let to fail alone rather than have someone always pick up their mistakes .


But wouldn't apply to where i live (it's almost the exact opposite) .I-pad's , internet and all of this stuff still cost a lot here and most 16+ kids work to get them , we still are taught to rely on ourselves ... but , i would say it's nice to have a little support from gov u know :v  cuz its so frustrating at times to have no one support u (literally no one ) , i mean i could invent something new and not have anyone give a fuck in this damn country , hell, i wouldn't be even able to upload a YouTube demo at 32KB/s :/

what I'm saying is , having someone to pick up your mistakes or having no support at all , both ways is fucked up ... its more about balance , give the help when truly needed ,but if the person fails ... it might be for his own good 


Good article!  Right now, in the USA, we have over the past 5 years, a president who seems to think it's ok for people to get benefits from the gov't, whether it be unemployment compensation, food stamps, welfare, disability, student loans or whatever,  


What's wrong with getting benefits from the Gov't?


What's wrong with getting benefits from the Gov't?

It's the free handout. People pay taxes so lazy unemployed morons can sit around all day doing nothing. I can agree, some are disabled(which is fine). But if you're completely young and capable of working, I think they shouldn't be sitting at home. I know tons of handicap people who work at the datacenters where all of the godly and beautiful servers are held in 30ft. racks; if society keeps going this way we will all be going into a pandemic because the Governments control our entire lifestyle. I can't say much about the United States because I don't live there, but I see the news quite often. The Government just shuts down(how the fuck), or you have to pay for healthcare - In Canada, the Government can't just shut down, and we most certainly don't pay for healthcare unless we don't get work benefits giving us healthcare; even then people can still get help from Doctors and Hospitals. I mean I can agree that yes, Canada has the similarity to people who sit around receiving tax money but whatever.


People need to realize which way things are going. It's sad.


I'm Ben, and it's simply a procrastinating opinion; don't get upset if you're offended. Be glad I'm going against Canada aswell.

(Keep in mind I'm not Canadian tho, I'm Portugues).


What's wrong with getting benefits from the Gov't?

Lemme see, if that is what you are use to in the Netherlands, nothing, as you have a socialist society.  For us in the US, ours is a capitalist society,  One where you make your own way and not depend on the gov't for anything, for once you depend on the gov't for help, then they get to dictate conditions on your existence.  But a few things do come to mind JQ, namely Greece, Spain, Portugal,  It seems to me that your kind of gov't structure can't sustain the status quo, and those countries are crumbling under their own weight. 


A big reason the US has a $17,000,000,000,000 and growing debt, is our gov't expanding programs to attract people to get handouts.  Our president is a socialist with the European model in mind, and it ain't working well here and I can't wait until he is out of office so we can get back to being America.



Be that as it may I totally agree and it really annoys me people live off government taxes which 99% of the time come out of OUR pockets. Though in saying that, we can't paint everyone with the same brush I know myself there are people who try their hardest to gain employment but it's just not that easy with the current economy, then to contrast that there are people who are happily living out of other peoples pockets which is wrong in every way, bare in mind in talking about Britain here as I can't really say for the situation anywhere else.

I think people need to realise too, who cares how much money you have? Those people who are so focused on that are missing the bigger picture and it's a fact going through life that narrow minded won't help you. Hence people wanting more and getting less, The meaning and origin of the expression: Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; show him how to catch fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.


It was just a general question of interest. I'm not going to say that any of you is right or wrong. I live in the Netherlands, not in the US, Canada or Britain. I'm sure you guys know the situation in your country much better than me. 


I don't live in Spain, Portugal or Greece either. I know I'm pretty happy with my gov't structure, and certain benefits that I get from it (student loan/money for education), even though we have our problems here as well. But it's hard to compare those issues with the ones that countries like Spain or Greece have.


There are, unfortunately, people who abuse these benefits. That's a problem. But stopping all of those benefits (at least here in this country), is not really helping me, and a lot of others in this society either. 


totally agree joe/sithis


every person that gets benefits is a lazy cunt and should get nothing at all 8)


but on topic, the expecting to get a job in interview thing, stops after your first few


True, which begins with never give up once you start with something. Look at some people in the world, they were always pushed away and told they will never be what they are today. I can't give examples but I can give one on myself, I was told I would never be suited to be a datacenter technician, but I became one; what I was told was I would be a fat lazy cunt working at McDonalds or some other fast food restaurant. Now those who said that to me, are the ones who really work at McDonalds.


I think that in the next generation of kids will have no respect. They will be brought up to be in trouble and the school systems will have to change again. Which is quite displeasing. I don't want my kid to be going to a school where kids are watched by Police. Kids that are brought up to be respectful and honest people shouldn't have to receive punishment like this just because one another's problems. It's a bunch of horse shit. I just wish for the best for the next few generations and hope they end up going the right way that we were brought up. And for the love of god, get rid of this god damn slag terms "swag," and "yolo." It's bad enough people smoke weed and other drugs. Those 2 words are just horrid.


Again, I'm Ben, and it's simply a procrastinating opinion; don't get upset if you're offended. Be glad I'm going against Canada aswell.

(Keep in mind I'm not Canadian tho, I'm Portugues).

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