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All you RenCorner'ers! MPF has challenged you. 10v10 game, 4-5 games to play. September 16th(Sunday, most people off).

Do you accept? And who will play for RC?

Thanks :)

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It's when you are banned, then you register under a different name, come in as if no one would know.

It still doesn't take away the fact you were being punished. You deliberately bypassed the ban and showed no respect for the rules of this forum.


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Guest MomiHanjra

It's when you are banned, then you register under a different name, come in as if no one would know.

It still doesn't take away the fact you were being punished. You deliberately bypassed the ban and showed no respect for the rules of this forum.


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Back on topic.....oh the conflict within begins. Although RC is my 1st choice, I fear that mpf will be short on players. So I will play for the side that needs players more. I want this to work.


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