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For The Techiies - Need Community-based Results [NOT a help thread.]

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Hello all,
As many of you know, I'm a pretty big player in the game server hosting business, having run my own company until just recently and working as the Executive Advisor for a company with thousands of active servers.
Please note that this is not meant to be malicious. I am performing a long-term report on the hosting market (Especially in terms of Game Servers, VPS, and Dedicated Servers) and I have chosen to use a multitude of hosts operating out of one of the fastest-growing hosting locations in the U.S. (Chicago) to perform this phase. Thus, any help is certainly appreciated.
I wanted to perform some networking tests on active communities.
(1. All of the IPs that will be posted below are in Chicago, IL.
(2. All I ask is that you fill out this rather simple form:
IPs You Tested: The IPs from the list below that you tested.  -  Please note that you do not have to try all of them.
RESULTS: Use pastebin.com if you don't mind. Basically, just paste the results from your ping / tracert tests.
As stated above:
I'd like to ask that you do ping <IP> and tracert <IP> in your Command Prompt or Terminal from your home PC. Then, copy-paste the results on pastebin.com or your favorite text paste hosting site.
The IPs:
Steadfast Networks -
Choopa Data Centers -
Colo@ -
NFOServers (InterNAP) -
Ubiquity Servers -
The reason the above providers have been picked is because they are common choices in the gaming, cloud, and dedicated industry.

Any other takers? It'd be a great help for my project.




If anyone wants to cheat, copy this code:


Paste it into a text file, I used Ping.txt, rename that file to Ping.bat

Double click it, it opens a command prompt, it does the pinging, then pauses at the end. When it's paused, click the top left, scroll down and find EDIT, then SELECT ALL. Once it's "selected" just hit ENTER. It's copied, then you can paste it at pastebin.com. :P


Here you go. I probably live 30 miles from the servers anyway ;)




Cheers, jks. Data from a client near the servers is just as valuable.


Tbh, i find this a stange question you ask.


I'm a pretty big player in the game server hosting business, having run my own company until just recently and working as the Executive Advisor for a company with thousands of active servers.


Since these large companies have enough exp inhouse to do this themself and dont really need outsiders. (and dont get bad meetings/factors (like software ect)).. And beside that they have great contacts at the Internet exchanges across the globe. (they have more meetings then you will ever need/help them out with)


I dont see any point in taking part,

Beside that there are some legal issues here. (Europe).



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Tbh, i find this a stange question you ask.



Since these large companies have enough exp inhouse to do this themself and dont really need outsiders. (and dont get bad meetings/factors (like software ect)).. And beside that they have great contacts at the Internet exchanges across the globe. (they have more meetings then you will ever need/help them out with)


I dont see any point in taking part,

Beside that there are some legal issues here. (Europe).




This has nothing to do with the company I work for. This is for a personal report. I need public data that is widespread.

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