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CORKY team hamper 2 hours

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just left server after 2 hours game at least 40 players and player ....corkey....

this guy was team hampering form the start and for 2 hours as I left

killing team mates veh

makeing remarks to others about touching kid's

put mines and c4 on stealth veh and players


giveing away veh and or killing captured veh

just about anything you could do wrong he was doing it . check logs you will see all 40 ish players was call for mods or irc help

maybe you should get some more mods that actualy play late at night and or who do not have school


Odd that I was sort of right there at that time, playing minecraft and did a !pl/!gi in irc. Looked through the logs, and seen all of that. Thanks for bringing it to our attention. Come to irc to PM one of us next time.

[23:53:49] <shaitan> !tban corky420 Team Stealing and Team Killing vehicles

[23:53:49] <RCAOW> corky420 has been added to the temp-ban list.


I would have come to IRC if I used it dude ..I also dont use ts ect either . I could have pm here but just like pm,s in game I dislike thins being said or done in private and think things should be seen by all to have a say on the matter ...

ty for takeing the time to sort this and for your reply shai. maybe I will hump your leg a little later ?


The reason I said PM is, because for most of us it'll *ding*.

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