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Team Fortress 2 : Valve Updates.

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25th July 2014.



Team Fortress 2 Update Released
Product Update - Valve
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
Fixed a case where move speeds could be exploited using player view angles 
Fixed an exploit related to Bonk! Atomic Punch and Crit-a-Cola 
Fixed cosmetic items not using the correct team skins when attached to ragdolls 
Fixed a bug related to cancelling the Eureka Effect taunt and teleporting immediately 
Fixed baseballs causing teleporter exits to detonate 
Updated The Five-Month Shadow to fix a paint-related problem 
Updated The Merc's Mohawk so it can be equipped by all classes 
Updated the equip_region for the Exquisite Rack 
Updated beta map pl_cactuscanyon
Redesigned the alternate window route over the choke point by stage 2 capture point 1 
Window overlooking second stage final capture point is now a doorway 
Removed stairs leading to back barn in stage 2 near final capture point 
Back alley behind water tank in stage 2 is now a 1-way drop down 
Added small health pack in the small room off the back stairwell flank near stage 1 capture point 2 
Fixed players building in spawn rooms
Updated beta map rd_asteroid
Mode changes
Players must steal at least 25 points before they can leave the vault with the reactor core 
Updated power core pick up sound 
Updated robot death effects and sounds 
Updated HUD layout
Map changes
Layout has been adjusted with the overall goal of increasing players ability to participate in creating points for their team 
Added terrain path and cave entrance under mid bridge. Exit is located near the large row of windows. Cave contains a medium health pack 
Widened play space near cave exit leading into large row of windows 
Added small ammo pack to underwater flank that leads to enemy reactor vault 
Added small health kit to staging area before the interior battlements 
Reduced ammo pack near vault from full to medium 
Added alcove near front door staging area 
Robots have been rearranged
A robots now circle the staircase near the front door 
B robots now roam the interior bridge above the water
Enabled flashing lights when a team's power reactor has been stolen 
Fixed broken stair collision when exiting the water near the bridge. In some cases it would push players back into the water.
Added player blocker to ledge above exterior battlements 
Widened glass tunnel flank doorway near C robots 
Increased attackers spawn time by 1 second

26th July 2014.


Team Fortress 2 Update Released
Product Update - Valve
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
Fixed a client crash related to the CTF HUD
Fixed the CTF HUD not updating properly

31st July 2014.


Added a new startup music track from Expiration Date
Fixed projectiles causing teleporter exits to detonate
Fixed the Huntsman not firing after being charged in the air and landing on the ground while using cl_autoreload
Fixed teammates blocking the removal of sappers when using the Homewrecker, Maul, and Neon Annihilator
Fixed a bug with the Gloves of Running Urgently that increased the marked for death time to 5 seconds instead of 3
Fixed a bug related to orphaned marked for death particles
Updated the target ID to be hidden while taunting
Updated the Bolt Boy to have two styles like the Bonk Boy
Updated the equip_regions for the Bonk Boy and the Bolt Boy
Updated the materials for the Boo Balloon
Updated pl_cactuscanyon
Added stage 3
Limited Red flanking route near cliff to Blu spawn in stage 1
Added health and ammo inside underpass by Blu spawn in stage 1
Adjusted spawn times in stage 2
Adjusted health and ammo packs
Updated rd_asteroid
Mode changes
Updated HUD layout
Fixed a bug that would prevent players from picking up the reactor core
Teams will now spawn 70% faster if their C robots are dead
Map changes
Fixed unbalanced ammo kits in Blu base near the vault
Added flashing light in the vault that will activate when a player is stealing points
Added larger one way glass windows to spawn exit doors
Added small ammo pack to top of the stairs at the cave exit
Shortened length of pipes in vents that require players to crouch
Increased track length for A robots. This is to provide more angles of attack.
Extended flat area near left spawn exit for Engineers to build teleporters
Lowered the health for the A robots from 500 to 300
Fixed a bug where the power supply would not disable the flashing alarms when it was captured
  • 2 weeks later...

Team Fortress 2

7 Aug 2014Team Fortress 2 Update Released

Product Update - Valve

An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:


Dedicated server performance/stability improvements

Added a new startup music track from Expiration Date

Added missing photos/thumb images for koth_badlands

Fixed a client crash related to the snd_restart command for Linux clients

Fixed a dedicated server crash related to arrows

Fixed the Bolt Boy using the wrong material for the Blu team

Improved memory usage for Linux clients

Updated the Restart Game and Scramble Teams votes to always have a mandatory cool-down period

Updated sv_memlimit to not be marked as a cheat convar

Added sv_minuptimelimit and sv_maxuptimelimit to manage the server restart window


Updated the equip_regions for the Mustachioed Mann, Ze Ubermensch, and Vive La France

Updated the localization files


Updated pl_cactuscanyon


Removed rollback leading to the final capture point in stage 2

Reworked fence position on forward spawn building in stage 2

Expanded back alley near the final capture point in stage 2

Expanded back pathway near the final capture point in stage 1

Added small room inside building half way up the zig-zag in stage 1

Adjusted health kits and ammo packs

Adjusted spawn times in stage 1 and 2


Updated rd_asteroid


Widened left side spawn exit

Players can no longer build inside the staircase near A robots

Fixed sticky stair collision when coming out of the water near B robots

Changed medium health kit near the C robots to a small health kit

Removed "alert" from voice over lines that announce your team has dropped the reactor core

Fixed missing patch overlay under small health near center bridge

  • 2 weeks later...

14th August 2014. ****Sorry I have been forgetting to update this****


Team Fortress 2 Update Released
TF2 Blog
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
Added a new startup music track from Expiration Date
Added Crate #84 and Crate #85 to the drop list
Added a new promo item
Fixed a Mann vs. Machine dedicated server crash
Fixed materials not refreshing correctly in the Steam Workshop item import tool
Fixed a bug where cloaked Spies would be visible to some players
Fixed an exploit where Engineers could build level 3 mini-sentries
Updated the localization files
Updated the backpack page buttons to indicate how many items the pages contain
Updated Hammer to add a new Normal Mode for the Sculpt tool
"Screen XY" automatically chooses the axis most aligned with current view's XY axis for push/pull displacement editing

21st August 2014.


Team Fortress 2 Update Released
TF2 Blog
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
Fixed rockets colliding with other projectiles and getting stuck in the world 
Fixed a bug with the Soldier's Fresh Brewed Victory taunt and the Power Up Canteen
Fixed the Demoman not being able to equip The Grandmaster
Fixed a bug where Professional Killstreak items were being displayed as Specialized
Market Listings for Specialized Killstreak kits for the following items have been removed and will need to be relisted
Stickybomb Launcher, Minigun, Direct Hit, Huntsman, Backburner, Back Scatter, Kritzkrieg, Ambassador, Frontier Justice
Fixed character audio being cut short when characters clap during the Conga taunt
Unusual taunts that are tradable can now be listed on the Steam Community Market
The Classic can now accept Enemies Gibbed strange parts
The Manmelter can now accept Allies Extinguished strange parts
Added mp_spectators_restricted server convar
Prevents players on Red/Blue from joining team Spectator if it would exceed mp_teams_unbalance_limit
Updated the HTML display in the MOTD to use shared Steam browser control
Updated the materials for The Dalokohs Bar
Updated the equip_region for the Soldier's Stash, Exquisite Rack, The Pencil Pusher, and Antlers
Updated the localization files
Updated pl_cactuscanyon
Stage 1
Reworked the geometry of the back stairwell route leading to the final cap
Stage 3
New design of back yard underpass area
Added new building and route near the underpass
New geometry for Red battlements and spawn exit by the first cap
Added new exit from Red spawn leading to the raised middle rock outcrop by the barn
Reworked Red spawn exit by capture point 2
Removed rocks and added a new structure by the final cart push 
Cart now takes longer to pass through the building at the end of
Adjusted spawn times
Adjusted Health and ammo packs

22nd August 2014.


Team Fortress 2 Update Released
TF2 Blog
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
Fixed Linux and Mac clients not being able to launch the game
Temporarily disabled HTML MOTD support for Mac OS X and Linux clients pending upstream fixes
Fixed Mann Co. Store prices not displaying correctly for Mac OS X and Linux clients

28th August 2014.


Team Fortress 2 Update Released
TF2 Blog
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
Added a new promo item
Client/server memory improvements
Fixed ragdolls not applying the ice/gold effect for cosmetic items
Fixed the Australium Scattergun material looking pixelated
Fixed some issues with clipped text in the localized versions
Fixed the difficulty of the current challenge not displaying correctly in the MvM scoreboard
Snipers can no longer jump immediately after firing a scoped shot
Updated the materials for The Dalokohs Bar
Updated the equip_region for The Dashin' Hashshashin 
Updated the Stout Shako to fix a lighting problem
Updated the localization files
Updated rd_asteroid
Added line of sight blocker to the front doors to prevent Snipers on battlements from shooting into the bases
Removed reduced spawn time bonus for players that die in the enemy base
Moved interior battlements health and ammo further into the base
Updated pl_cactuscanyon
Stage 2
Removed from the sequence so stage 1 links to stage 3
Stage 3
Added rollback to cart while in the train collision zone
Cart is now unavailable to push for a short period at the start
Adjust spawn times during the final push-pull
Pushed spawn gates forward in the right-side exits of Blu spawn
Adjusted cover surrounding the middle exit of Red spawn
2nd Update:
Rolled back the previous changes to rd_asteroid
  • 2 weeks later...

10th September 2014.


Team Fortress 2 Update Released
TF2 Blog
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
Added taunts to the items that can be uploaded to the Steam Workshop
Added new "Taunt" and "Halloween" tags to the Steam Workshop
Previous entries marked with the "Halloween 2013" tag will automatically be updated to use the new tag in the coming days
Added tournament medals for the ETF2L and RETF2 EE22 
Client/server performance improvements
Improved client memory usage by updating weapon models to only be loaded on demand
Improved edict usage on servers to help eliminate "out of edicts" errors during round restarts
Fixed a server crash caused by using the "map" command in the console while the server is running
Fixed a client crash when switching between windowed-mode and fullscreen for Mac OS X and Linux clients
Re-enabled HTML MOTD support for Mac OS X and Linux clients
Extended the server's "status" command to display edict usage and player/bot counts
status output also includes basic class stats...not fully implemented yet
Fixed custom content not being shown while watching .dem files that were recorded on servers running with sv_pure
Fixed an exploit that involved players killing teammates via telefrag by switching to Spectator
Fixed bad LODs for The Angel of Death coat for the Medic
Fixed push triggers applying push values twice when lag compensation is being done
Fixed a Hammer crash related to changing entity types for an existing entity
Fixed Strange flamethrowers not getting kill credit for deflected projectiles
Fixed mini-crit and taunt-invite icons being orphaned in the world
Fixed the Festive Force-a-Nature using the wrong taunt animation
Fixed the difficulty value not displaying correctly in the Mann vs. Machine scoreboard
Fixed Mann vs. Machine bots floating in the air when they die from an explosion
Fixed the Pyro's clap sounds clipping the voice lines during the Party Trick taunt
Fixed the Short Circuit creating its firing effects when being deployed
Fixed Mini-Sentry collision hull and hitbox being scaled smaller than they should be
The Frying Pan can now accept Kills While Explosive Jumping strange parts
Updated the equip_region for the Mining Light and Lord Cockswain's Novelty Mutton Chops and Pipe
Updated the materials for the Apparition's Aspect and made it paintable
Updated the Eternaween vote so it cannot be initiated by clients without using the Eternaween
Updated the localization files
Updated pl_cactuscanyon
Completed permanent removal of previous stage 2 from the map
Removed the rollback hill in stage 2, and adjusted neighboring u-turn 
Adjusted the right-hand spawn exit for Blu in stage 2
Reworked Sniper window above underpass in stage 2
Adjusted spawn times in stage 2
Added flatcars to the train in stage 2
Blu side path from cart spawn to underpass is now a drop-down in stage 2
Widened a doorway along the cart-path in stage 2
Updated rd_asteroid
Removed spawn advantage for attackers that die in the enemy base
Moved health and ammo above the front door stairs further into the base
Increased bot count. Summed total health and points in each section remains the same.
Power core pickups now give health and ammo to the collector
Removed small health kit above cave exit
Added medium ammo kit in the caves near the medium health kit
Fixed a problem that was preventing clients from uploading items to the Steam Workshop
  • 2 weeks later...

25th September 2014.


Team Fortress 2 Update Released
TF2 Blog
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
Added Limited Late Summer Crate Key to the Mann Co. Store. Available until October 13, 2014.
Fixed the Limited label not being displayed for items on the Steam Community Market or in the Steam backpack
Fixed colorization of item level description line for Limited items
Added tournament medals for BETA LAN 2014
Added a NEW! label to new items in your backpack until you mouse over them
Fixed a case where cosmetic items would be orphaned in the world
R.I.P. Captain Canteen
Fixed not being able to open the Taunt menu during the bonus time on an Arena map
Fixed a dedicated server crash related to bot Spies
Fixed item level not displaying correctly in the Mann vs. Machine lobby
Updated the auto-balance code to immediately respawn players that are automatically switched, or that voluntarily switch, during a balancing period
Not supported in Mann vs. Machine, Medieval mode, Arena mode, Tournament Mode, or Training
Updated the removeid command to support Steam2 and Steam3 ID formats
Updated the materials for The Atomic Accolade
Updated the equip_region for The Special Eyes
Updated rd_asteroid
Added a 45 second overtime when a team reaches max points
Added placeholder pickup ship and robot worker to indicate a team has reached max points
Added a sound to captured and returned points as they fill the progress bar
Captured and returned points now fill the progress bar faster
Progress bar escrow indicator now stays in place as points are added
Touching the reactor core no longer fully resets the return timer. Every second the reactor core is held will add a second to the return timer.
Virtual Reality Mode
Fixed selecting the wrong refresh rate when running on a display that does not use the desktop refresh rate
Fixed a client crash caused by using custom HUD files
Fixed a bug that was causing item descriptions to not display properly

27th September 2014.


Team Fortress 2 Update Released
TF2 Blog
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
Fixed a dedicated server crash during changelevel 
Fixed a case where Mann vs. Machine badge levels weren't being displayed correctly
Added missing sound for rd_asteroid
  • 3 weeks later...

1st October 2014.


Team Fortress 2 Update Released
TF2 Blog
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
Improved memory usage for Mac clients
Fixed an exploit that allowed item nametags to go beyond the 40 character limit
Fixed a bug where reflected rocket explosions from non-stock flamethrowers would cause the flame sound to loop
tf_teamtalk is now on by default - the dead can talk to the living
When you mute a player, the mute settings now apply to text chat as well as voice chat. If you want the previous behavior, change convar cl_mute_all_comms to 0.
More weapon models are now loaded on demand to reduce overall memory usage
Added "Enable/Disable Auto TeamBalance" votes
Successful votes will enable/disable team player count balancing
Use sv_vote_issue_autobalance_allowed to control if this vote is enabled on the server
Votes not allowed in Mann vs. Machine, Medieval mode, Arena mode, Tournament Mode, or Training
Updated rd_asteroid
Increased overtime to 45 seconds
Added more sound cues when overtime starts
Dropped reactor cores now blink on the HUD when they are about to return
Added latest art assets to blue base exterior

16th October 2014.


Team Fortress 2 Update Released
TF2 Blog
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
Fixed an exploit related to clients uploading files to servers 
Fixed a problem that allowed clients to have an out-of-date, corrupt, or modified version of items_game.txt
TF2 will not run if a bad items_game.txt file is found 
If your items_game.txt file is reported as being corrupt, delete any items_game.txt files you have added and verify your TF2 installation
Updated Mann Co. Store prices for foreign currencies to current USD equivalents
Fixed a timing problem with the Rancho Relaxo taunt animation 
Removed the Limited Late Summer Crate from the crate drop list 
Limited Late Summer Crates can no longer be opened 
Removed the Limited Late Summer Crate Key from the Mann Co. Store 
Limited Late Summer Crate Keys have been converted to Mann Co. Supply Crate Keys 
Fixed Linux dedicated servers not showing up in the LAN serverbrowser tab when using sv_lan 1
Fixed the Duels leaderboard not displaying current counts 
Added the explosion particles to the list of files that we always enforce consistency on 
Added ConVar tf_classlimit
When set, limit each class to the specified value 
Works in any game mode, but overridden in Tournament mode and Highlander mode
Updated the model/materials for the Runner's Warm-Up to fix a lighting issue 
Updated the equip_regions for the Couvre Corner and the Pocket Heavy 
Updated rd_asteroid
Continued art-pass process
Updated the vote system
Fixed team-specific vote sounds/notifications playing/showing for the ineligible team 
sv_vote_issue_restart_game_allowed default changed to off
Added sv_vote_issue_restart_game_allowed_mvm (on by default) 
Added "Enable/Disable Class Limits" vote
Controlled by sv_vote_issue_classlimits_allowed (off by default)
Limit controlled by sv_vote_issue_classlimits_max (default 4)
Controlled by sv_vote_issue_classlimits_allowed_mvm in Mann vs. Machine (off by default)
Limit controlled by sv_vote_issue_classlimits_max_mvm in Mann vs. Machine (default 2)

20th October 2014.


An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
Fixed another exploit that allowed clients to have an out-of-date, corrupt, or modified version of items_game.txt
Fixed clients not downloading *.dx80.vtx, *.dx90.vtx, and *.sw.vtx files from servers running custom content
Fixed sv_pure defaulting to -2 instead of 0
Fixed font issues for Mac clients
Made the Spellbook Magazine a base action slot item for players to equip and use when playing on a server that uses Halloween Spells
Fixed not being able to wear Halloween-restricted cosmetic items on Halloween maps outside of the regular Halloween and Fullmoon events
Halloween spells can now be enabled and controlled on servers via ConVars tf_spells_enabled and tf_player_spell_drop_on_death_rate
Halloween spells can now be enabled by map authors via HolidayEntity by setting the flag HalloweenSetUsingSpells

22nd October 2014.


Team Fortress 2 Update Released
TF2 Blog
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
Fixed a dedicated server crash related to gamestats

24th October 2014.


Team Fortress 2 Update Released
Product Update - Valve
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
Updated Halloween Spells to be tradable
Fixed not being able to apply Halloween Spells to cosmetic items
Enabled the crafting recipe for the Pile Of Curses
Fixed players auto-switching to the Spellbook
Fixed the Spell HUD overlapping with the Killstreak HUD
Fixed the Wheel of Fate HUD overlapping with the Killstreak HUD

30th October 2014.


Team Fortress 2 Update Released
TF2 Blog
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
Scream Fortress VI has arrived!
Help Merasmus with his carnival! 
Comic and additional information available on the website (http://www.teamfortress.com/screamfortress6)%C2'>
Scream Fortress VI runs until November 12, 2014 
Added new Halloween map Carnival of Carnage
Merasmus will spread misfortune with server wide curses 
Added a Strongmann Test-Your-Strength machine which is in no way an eldritch portal to Bumper Car Madness!
Added bumper car minigames. Win by completely ghostifying the other team or by completing the objective 
Alt-fire to speed boost your bumper car 
Cast spells while driving 
The collision force a bumper car receives increases as the car takes damage 
Force is displayed in the bumper car HUD as a percentage
Ghosts can come back to life by touching a friendly bumper car
50 new Halloween-themed community cosmetics 
6 new achievements 
During Scream Fortress VI
A Halloween Gift Cauldron is granted to all players who play during the event 
Added Halloween crates to the Mann Co. Store. These crates do not require a key to open 
All Unusual hats and taunts that are unboxed during the event will receive Halloween-themed Unusual effects 
Previous Scream Fortress content is available in the Mann Co. Store 
Reduced the number of Fireball spells granted to 2 
Updated the tf_spells_enabled ConVar
Removed the Teleport spell from the general spell list when spells are enabled outside of Helltower 
Added rare spells to the general spell list, except Skeletons and Monoculus
Turning a player into a ghost now grants the attacker a kill credit 
Players can now fly around as a ghost by holding the jump key 
TargetID system
Now creates a floating health indicator over the target 
Reduced size of nameplate 
Added tf_hud_target_id_alpha ConVar to control the transparency
Fixed player voice transmissions not transmitting the last second of recording 
Fixed a dedicated server crash when the autoexec.cfg contains a bind command
Fixed Unicode font performance and rendering issues for Mac clients 
Fixed an exploit that allowed players to remove the ghost condition
Added a field to the Tools->Options->3DView tab that multiplies the length of the rendered light_spot cone preview 

4th November 2014.



Team Fortress 2 Update Released
TF2 Blog
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
Added the 'Tomb Raider' tag to the item import tool
Added The Kritz or Treat Canteen to the Halloween 2014 Community Bundle
Players who previously purchased the bundle have automatically been granted the item
Fixed a client crash that could happen while the server was changing maps
Fixed the Teleport spell not appearing in Helltower
Fixed rare spells appearing in regular Helltower spellbook pick-ups
Fixed disguised Spies not displaying the correct health value to enemies
Fixed the Engineer not playing the proper response rules while using the Golden Frying Pan
Fixed the Sniper getting stuck with a zoomed FOV after taunting while zooming
Fixed maps not loading correctly in the SFM tool
Fixed a bug in the Workshop import tool related to frame count calculation for taunts that were exported from the SFM tool
Fixed the Demoman not riding in the correct bumper car position when holding two-handed melee weapons
Disabled auto team-balance while players are in hell on Helltower and Carnival of Carnage
Updated bumper cars to deal damage when hitting players not in bumper cars
Updated the Necro Smasher so Strange parts and Halloween Spells can be applied to it
Updated the equip_region for the Iron Fist
Removed the smoke effect from the Tiny Texan
Updated the Rescue Ranger so players no longer block its ability to pick-up buildings from a distance
Updated sd_doomsday_event
Fixed a bug where Merasmus's curses would trigger during the bumper car minigames
Fixed players using the tiny-melee-only curse to get outside of the playable area of the map
Fixed a bug with the Eureka Effect and with teleporters where players could escape being teleported to the bumper car minigames
Reduced duration of the Monoculus spell from 15 seconds to 8 seconds
Fixed players being able to construct buildings in the spawn areas
Fixed Engineers not being able to build if a Merasmus curse is enabled while they were carrying a building
Updated Merasmus's curses to remove all projectiles and sentry gun ammo when teleporting players to the middle of the map

7th November 2014.


Team Fortress 2 Update Released
TF2 Blog
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
Fixed a client crash related to the main menu
Fixed players not creating gibs when they are killed
Fixed player glow effects not drawing correctly
Fixed the Rescue Ranger being able pick-up buildings through walls
Fixed map-placed buildings being removed from the map during a round restart
Fixed sentry guns having ammo if they finished building after a Merasmus curse had started
Fixed Engineers being able to pick-up buildings during Merasmus's third-person curses
Updated the string used to display the kill stat for the Strange Horseless Headless Horseman's Headtaker

8th November 2014.


Team Fortress 2 Update Released
Product Update - Valve
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
Fixed a bug where players could be teleported to hell and not have visible bumper car
Fixed a bug where Engineers could not pick up a building if the building was higher than the player
Fixed a text clipping problem with the HUD achievement tracker
Added ConVar tf_halloween_bonus_ducks_cooldown to control the frequency Merasmus speaks that line
Added a red glow for player ghosts on team Red
Updated rd_asteroid
Continued art-pass process
Updated sd_doomsday_event
Fixed a timing issue with Merasmus's announcement of the tickets becoming available
Updated koth_lakeside_event
Fixed missing collision on a barrel near the capture point

11th November 2014.


Team Fortress 2 Update Released
TF2 Blog
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
Added a new promo item, The Nabler
Fixed a client crash caused by using custom HUD files
Updated the equip_region for Gone Commando and The Mann of the House
Updated the Freedom Staff so Halloween Spells can be applied to it

15th November 2014.


Team Fortress 2 Update Released
TF2 Blog
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
Fixed a dedicated server crash caused by clients disconnecting while touching a trigger_hurt entity
Fixed an exploit that involved players killing teammates with the meteor spell by switching to Spectator
Fixed a bug that allowed weapons to be equipped in invalid loadout slots
Note missed from the previous update:
Fixed a rendering problem for Linux clients using AMD drivers

20th November 2014.


Team Fortress 2 Update Released 
TF2 Blog 
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
Additional improvements for client stability
Added a check to prevent building in trigger_hurt areas
Fixed seeing bumper cart icons for deaths while in hell on maps other than doomsday_event
Fixed not hearing localized audio while connected to a server using sv_pure
Updated pl_upward
Added stairs to forward Blue spawn underground
Updated the trigger hurt in the outer cliff area to cover the bottom of the map

26th November 2014.


Team Fortress 2 Update Released
TF2 Blog
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
Fixed a client crash related to achievements
Fixed a client crash related to Spy animations
Fixed a client crash related to the Spectator HUD
Fixed changes to video settings not being saved between sessions
Fixed not being able to block control points from being captured
Fixed not respawning instantly after changing loadout in a respawn room
Fixed Medi Gun prediction stuttering when using tf_medigun_autoheal
Fixed the Necro Smasher not falling into the world properly when dropped
Fixed Killstreak sheen effects for the Necro Smasher
Fixed The Lone Star not using the correct Blue team material
Fixed the Brim-Full Of Bullets not being held by the Sniper during the melee taunt
Added the Gamers Assembly tournament medals
Added the TF2mixup 2014 medal

4th December 2014.


Team Fortress 2 Update Released
TF2 Blog
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
Added the TF Tomb Contest 2014 winners
Jungle Booty, Crown of the Old Kingdom, and Tomb Readers
Added a new promo item, Brimstone
Updated the localization files

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