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Game endings

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i know allot of people might oppose to this but maybe others agree on it , most of the games ive played last week (especially field) ended with either the power down crate or spy crates , sometimes 3 spies could exist at same team and it sux since all the other team would be doin is searchin instead of playing the game


anyways , what im asking for here is get rid of the game-deciding or at least GREATLY decreasing thier probability  and instead increase the probabilty of "fun" crates spawning , like the mutant and speedy crates ... maybe even obby gun crate or w/e , just crates that makes the game a bit more intersteing instead of deciding the game


to people who will reply " but these crates are there for 1 hour+ games " WE HAVE A POLL FOR SUDDEN DEATH ( sorry for caps im just mad )

if the poll passes then it means PEOPLE WANT TO KEEP PLAYING


PEOPLE should decide to end a game not some algorithm that hates long games and decides to start spawning a spy or pp down crate all over the fukin map


thank you




wer all thinkn it so il just go head n say it 


                 STFU VLAT



I have already made a topic on this. This is just RIDICULOUS, as vlat said one team is forced to camp and defend while others have unfair advantage due to this. I dont remember how many times i did rq when i lose a building due to these crates.


If it happens after 1,5-2 hours you should be grateful. Honestly. 


It isn't hard ot change the rate of when those crates happen.


It isn't hard ot change the rate of when those crates happen.

i know it isnt , just asking for it to happen . Please




If it happens after 1,5-2 hours you should be grateful. Honestly. 

 i knew ud come  say that so read again : people can vote sudden death and end map , if the poll fails then it means players want to continue then there's no problem... not to mention we've had this AOW vs MARA in RC before and people wanted mara so idk why u keep goin at long games , the community just likes them .


i know it isnt , just asking for it to happen . Please




 i knew ud come  say that so read again : people can vote sudden death and end map , if the poll fails then it means players want to continue then there's no problem... not to mention we've had this AOW vs MARA in RC before and people wanted mara so idk why u keep goin at long games , the community just likes them .

The community also plays mostly walls on renx.


Most people dont even see theres a vote, don't know how to vote (newbies) or stuff like this. Vote isnt relevant every single time. In all games I was and there was multiple spies, it wasnt a hell as teams had pretty stable positions in tunnels and field. Those long-ass matches where 3 billion spies exist at once are with good player counts. I respect your liking for long games but dont change those crates, they are fine as they are :D

  • Like 1

no they are not lol , you havent wasted 3 hours of your time yesterday just for the game to end cuz of that crate .... i did , and more than 2 times everyday


no they are not lol , you havent wasted 3 hours of your time yesterday just for the game to end cuz of that crate .... i did , and more than 2 times everyday


more spies the better i say it keeps ur team on their toes 


What does the majority of the players want? 


There is no need to change this if we have a lot of new people that like the spy crates more than they like having 6 hour games. If this is just the opinion of a couple people we are not going to change it.

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leave it be it isnt broke so dnt fix it


n if ur mad the other team have 99999 spies vs ur 1 then u need to whore crate btr

  • 1 year later...

Why not put up a vote on the forums seeing what the majority of the community wants. Put up an announcement in game explaining this so anyone who plays has equal opportunity to imput what they want. Seems like a better solution than just arguing over what works and doesnt from individual point of views.


dat bump.




Leave it..........that's my vote.  Yeah, it sucks when it happens like Vlat is saying but that's the gist of it.  Use what the game gives you and battle on...just my two cents.






This is like when someone bumps a topic on renforums that was ten years old, they're a mw3 player just registered on the site for ten minutes...and they don't own renegade. :(

Those were turned down anyway @ game killers.


14 hours ago, Gridloc said:

Leave it..........that's my vote.  Yeah, it sucks when it happens like Vlat is saying but that's the gist of it.  Use what the game gives you and battle on...just my two cents.





Sure I it sucks when It ends but honestly Gridloc hit it on the head ffs I hate games that go on for more then an hour and a half .... it's boring and I u don't want that many enemy spies then crate whore and take tune it's that simple


The problem is both teams only camp. Nobody actually tries to move to finish the game, or push out to stop the other team outside base. The spy crates or suddendeaths help to make people get agg1 again.

  • Like 1

holy resurrected topic batman

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