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...I often wonder...

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I often wonder if you'd be class clown, bring someone up if they were down.
I often wonder if you'd be bright, be the type who is always right.
I often wonder if you'd be like Dad, and be the rock for those who're sad.
I often wonder if you'd be like Mom, and the one to keep us calm.
I often wonder about you brother, and how us four could use another.
I often wonder how life would be, if you were still down here with me.
I often wonder if we would bond, would you be like me and blond.
I often wonder if we'll meet one day, about the words we'll choose to say.
I often wonder I must confess, makes us not meeting hurt more or less.
I often wonder if when we cry, is that just how we must say goodbye.
I often wonder, I just can't resist, to think about the good times that you have missed.
I often wonder late at night, if on a cloudy day, you're a ray of light.
I often wonder how life would be, if you were still down here with me....

Thats the stuff facebook is made of

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Here I sit, lonesome hearted

I tried to poop, but only farted


Later on, I took a chance

I tried to fart, but shit my pants

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