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My real name is Tyren Thomas, and my in game name is x_CHAOTIC_x. I try to play as much as i can, but recently my laptop broke and it will be fixed very soon so i can play more often. I just turned fifteen last month. I had been an administrator once before on a server my friend Jaylen ran and i was a pretty good administrator that everyone liked just because i was doing it so that everyone can enjoy the game with no hacks and that i wasn't doing it just for the advantages. On a scale from 1 to 10 i think I am a seven on using IRC, but as soon as my laptop get fixed i will be getting more information from mods on how to use it more efficiently. I've been playing on this server for two years now, but on a different account known as TheMayorFTK, but i got a new one because my old one got hacked. I have never been banned before and I don't plan on being banned. Well if I saw someone cheating i would tell a player with a higher authority than me. I would be a great addition to the server staff because I love helping and being a part of something great and I know I can keep the server a friendly place so everyone can play.


Redo your application, be truthful, you have not played here for 2 years!  If you have, under what name?  ThemayorFTK joined the forum on Feb 5, 2014.


Thats when i registered to this forum, but when i played before that i didn't know about the forums. But if you dont believe me and wont accept my application it's all good i'll just try again later.


But okay i will redo it or do i have to wait a specific time.

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