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GioExtreme VIP app.

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 1) What is your real name? Dan


 2) What are you ingame character name(s)? GioExtreme


 3) How old are you? 16 in 6 day's.


 4) What country and region are you from? United State's Of America...For short... MURICA'


 5) How long have you been playing terraria? Just got on it, like it so far.


 6) How did you find our server? Through my "contacts" bruh.


 7) How long have you been playing in it? I just got on it, to be killed humiliated and slaughtered. 


 8) Why do you want VIP? I wan't Vip  because I want to start helping our community aside from Minecraft. If help is needed anywhere, I want to be someone that is always available. Even when not in-game, I will be watching via IRC at most time's.


Accepted, don't rage so much Daniel ;p

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