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Looking to buy a Gaming PC.

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As the title says, looking to buy a gaming pc.


Looking to set my budget at max £400 as I would like a good one but not wanting to buy something ridiculously expensive as it won't have it's use from me.


I've looked around some computer stores online, amazon and eBay but in all honesty there are so many different types of graphics cards and shit I don't really know what to look out for!


If anyone could suggest any, and no I don't want to buy individual parts I want only a desktop fully made preferably with win 7 already installed but not essential as I can do that myself.




Don't expect much in terms of the case for expansion, the mb, or graphics, I seriously doubt you will get a graphic card, instead it will be integrated graphics.  I purchased an Asus system that had 12gb ram (8 and 4 gb) and 1tb hdd, win7 installed for $699 from Staples http://www.staples.com/ASUS-M32AD-R14-1TB-Hard-Drive-12GB-Memory-Intel-i5/product_1064930, and returned it the next day cuz of a corrupt file the tech at Staples said I would have to pay for service cuz I didn't buy an extended warranty. I ended up building a system.


Cheap systems are just that, cheap, remember the company has to make a profit, they won't put in the stuff you desire at a low price.  The system I bought had a small case which left no room for a third hd, it had a 350w ps, and uneven amount of budget ram.  Yeah the give you 1 tb hdd, big deal!



Just build, bro. Much cheaper.


Do you have a screen , mouse , keyboard , and desk ? If so , you could actually pull it off .


- MSI mobo for around 70$

-Kingston HyperX 8 GB ram ddr3 1860MHZ for 70$

-NVidia GTX 750Ti for 150$

-Core i5 4xxx for around 180$

-Any PC case with a PSU of 400 watts would do

-WD HDD for 60$


thats about 560$ for the case (and thats how much it would cost me here , i bet its much cheaper where u live)

note that the GTX 750Ti only consumes 60 watts thats what makes u save on PSU and case , and it never really heats up  , ive got that same card and its a monster considering its size and price.

  • Like 1

Shai, forgot to take your meds again?  :givemehead:


Joe and vlat thanks for your input, If I knew how to put everything together I'm sure that would be much easier lol but I'm sure it can't be that hard so i'll look at your suggestions vlat.


With it being 'Black Friday Weekend' here now, I've seen sales on gaming pc's from say £650+ to like £400 almost bought one by impulse but better check with the guys here first lol!


anyway thanks for your time


Those meds helped me recall you'd posted this one year ago to date. Btw...why bother copy-highlighting that without it being a link like mine? Fail, Mikey, fail. :P


Look at his picture, he is in a toxic environment, Shai, he can't think straight!  Cut him some slack!

  • Like 1

Shai, what is your problem? Bored and need to troll topics? FYI I bought another pc since then hence making your post invalid, GG.


Joe: Youre right that was a toxic environment :P


Thanks Mikey, in fairness to Shai, you never said what you bought last year.

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Btw I forgot the " :P " smiley Shai that wasnt a serious post lol


Next year(minus a day), there will be another topic. November 27, 2015 here we come! :tomato:


No posts on my birthday!


No posts on my birthday!

we all suck but we do love you

No posts on my birthday!

Too bad youre gonna miss out Shai, you'll have to find another topic to bore :P


Just throw a Titan Z as a outside VGA for a laptop, you'll be good. Oh wait; your budget is £400($628.68 USD) Pounds not, £2036.01($3200.00 USD)


Anyway; what vlat gave you for a setup is fairly cheap. Which is reasonable, and in your budget range. Good luck Mikey! :D


I could go higher within reason, I just wouldn't have maximum use from an outstanding gaming rig that's all. Just makes more sense for me to have a half decent one and not spend an unnecessary amount :P


I could see roughly £650 for a decent rig. That's not too expensive, and can buy you a half decent rig. But building your own would be worth it even more.


Not my fault the timing of this topic was dubious and exploitable.

Also, setup your own mike, I did and it is well worth you learning how. Just have to do some user review reading to find out what parts work/don't work with others.

Another good idea when you go to assemble it is have a good PC friend "on call", if you run into trouble. Mine was Kalo back then.


If you are mechanically minded, you shouldn't have a problem.  It is an enjoyable experience researching what is out there and deciding what you want.  At least you won't compromise spending money on something that "will do" for something you are excited about.



I suppose i'll look into building one then, thanks guys.


If you need some guidance, make a post.

  • Like 1

That's useful info, thanks for sharing Joe 


Yw, I subscribed to it when I was looking for what to by for my system.

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