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vehicle limit

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can we plz increase the vehlimit ?  It sux not being able to buy a tank when there's 6 arties out there shooting .


we just had a 24 vs 24 game and gdi was helpless , it was sooo frustrating having to wait for some1 to die just to get 1 step ahead on the queue .



!tank available?

maybe i needed an mrls or mammy ?


Nod and GDI both had two tanks stolen during that. Was a pain, but doable with !tank.


a pain.....yesterday we had feild and gdi was able to buy only 1 tank why? because leando2500 lost all his meds to nod whom saved it and stored it in their base.

the whole game only 1 guy was able to have a tank


Nod and GDI both had two tanks stolen during that. Was a pain, but doable with !tank.

!tank isn't an excuse for 8 vlimit


8 was meant for 5 vs 5 aow games not for 24 vs 24 marathon games , it was 15 before and is reset to 8 after blaky's updates or after that HDD failure ....


Eight? When was that done? O.o

Hmm well with most of the Jelly guys coming here, I think it's time we put it back to the old marathon settings. Sans game breaking power crate percentages, etc.

May see some tweaking coming up then. Was stripping out the newer maps [Gameover] stats last night and putting them into the txt files for rcbot scripts. Noticed creekdale and the others were failing miserably lately at player counts. May redo that too.


Vehicle limit is 15 again. Power down/emp chances are dropped a bit.

If WD responds about the skipmap settings, then those will take effect on the maps that lose players(12 or less people).

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