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Application for VIP

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1) What is your real name? Scott


 2) What are you ingame character name(s)? damocleas, damocleas-Sniper, 


 3) How old are you? 12


 4) What country and region are you from? United States, Virginia


 5) How long have you been playing terraria? a few years


 6) How did you find our server? My friend told me about it, 10sbadham


 7) How long have you been playing in it? for a couple of hours.


 8) Why do you want VIP? So that I can build a house for me and my friend without it being destroyed.


Oh ya and damocleas-Paladin and damocleas-Mage are my other characters


Pick one nick for VIP. You can always login from the others.  /login damocleas-Sniper pass, etc.

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Make my damocleas-Paladin a VIP for it I use that the most.


Adding that one. Also, do not grief my teleporters/glass area anymore. I seen your nick destroying quite abit a few days ago.


Ok I will not try to greif but if anyone sees me on and leaving repeatedly I will probably be going to my world to get materials for my house.

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