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RhondaStout trusted (accepted)


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I'm on teamspeak

I'm 20 my real name is Rhonda Stout

i'm not currently active on the forum but will be soon. I only have one in game name which is RhondaStout my birthday is 3/21/95 and i'm currently 19 but my birthday is soon so i'm gonna say 20

i've only been on the server for a few days but i love it

i understand how to use teamspeak but i'm not an experienced mod

I'm a bit hot headed and clueless but i learn fast and i'm good with people. I've been playing minecraft for over a year

I've been banned once for speaking my mind to a mod who didnt like me i told him he didn't do his job right

I live in central time zone and i'm usually available around 3 pm

I would people who didn't know certain things about the game and settle disputes and just be otherwise helpful

I have no experience with plugins and i dont know any programming language but i am willing to learn.

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