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mine craft ?

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Ok I've played a little bit of mine craft I'm trying to find out how to get on rens mine craft server. Is it through steam or is it like renlist?


When you start the game go to multiplayer and add server put in mc.rencorner.co, click done the you'll return to the server screen and highlight the server and click join.  Looking forward to seeing you, after 3 days you can go to the minecraft trusted forum and read the pinned topic on applying, copy and paste the questions and you will be trusted and have extra perks.



You will need to set up a profile to use minecraft version 1.8 - the default is to use the current version 1.8.4 and we have not updated to that release yet.


Prehaps there is a tutorial somewhere in the minecraft section you can follow to set up your game correctly so you can join ;)

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